18 July 2014

Task 3 - Visit to Mantin (Museum, Heritage & Gallery)

Task 3 - Visit to Mantin (Museum, Heritage & Gallery)

For the next task we're to form groups of a few people and send to visit a nearby town called Mantin and bring back items for a project called Cabin of Curiosity

I went with a few of my friends and visited many places from food stalls to a flower orchard but none took the interest in us except the fruit stalls. From what I've heard Mantin is famous for its fruit especially Durian therefore my group decided to create a cabin with the theme fruit stall

Using real fruits we created a small fruit stall like presentation

The hay is to add in the feel of an actual fruit stall

Add in pictures to further elaborate the presentation

The King of Fruits

With that we just explained how and why we did the presentation this way and expressed out interest in this


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