9 September 2014

Animation 2 Part 1

Animation 2 Part 1

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe appropriate processes in relation to their chosen field of study or project
  2. Construct an individual project appropriate to their chosen field of study/practice
  3. Demonstrate innovative and creative problem solving attributes within a chosen area of study
  4. Select and implement appropriate analytical techniques
  5. Evidence consistent levels of competence within a widening range of animation and media technologies and practices
  6. Select techniques that are appropriate for the research that they are undertaking within their chosen field of study, both practically and qualitatively
  7. Display a sound knowledge and understanding of all health and safety issues
  8. Identity the nature and sources of all information to write a research proposal and report (project proforma and evaluative journal)
  9. Effectively plan their time and to work within deadlines
  10. Constructively critic the works of their peers, identifying strength and weakness in technique, analysis and conclusions
  11. Actively contribute to all group activities, i.e. seminars, critiques
  12. Confidently articulate their position within the wider cultural context

Programme Learning Outcomes(s) and Programme Objective(s)

  1. Further develop your practical and subject specific skills in Animation
  2. To develop your powers on invention and creative ambition
  3. To enable you to explore more independent lines of enquiry
  4. To heighten your awareness of health and safety issues within these disciplines
  5. To provide a lively and supportive environment for you to take risks in the development of creative solutions
  6. To help establish an efficient and effective time-management regime within a studio/workshop context

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