9 September 2014

Visual Communications & Cultural Meaning

Visual Communications & Cultural Meaning

Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop skills in conceptual analysis and presentation
  2. Undertake visual research to support ideas
  3. Recognize how practices are pertinent to a wider cultural context
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills of conceptual analysis through discussion and written forms
  5. Evaluate and use source materials
  6. Engage critically with the relevant body of knowledge
  7. Skills for life and work (general skills)
  8. Work within a given time frame
  9. Contribute to group activities, i.e. seminar and critiques
  10. Work safely in studios and workshops with a knowledge and practical understanding of health and safety issues

Programme Learning Outcome(s) and Programme Objective(s)

  1. To explore the use of visual communication both in terms of its relationship with texts and in the broader sense as a vehicle for ideas in a range of visual media methods of historical and theoretical analysis
  2. To examine social, historical and technical factors that contribute to the construction and reception of visual meaning


I have been explained on what I supposed to do in this module and understood the module in a brief explanation. A theoretical module on analysis and research, constantly finding the difference between similarities like, a photographer and a professional photographer.

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