Advance Professional Practice

Advance Professional Practice

Learning Outcome

  1. Demonstrate the research and application of appropriate verbal and non verbal communication skills to meet expectations of employees within the creative industries
  2. Critically reflect upon their own personal and professional skills, experience and aspirations and construct a position statement and career development action plan
  3. Research and critically evaluate the job market and work cultures within the creative industries
  4. Analyses and critically evaluate the requirements of recruitment, selection and promotion/progression within a professional creative context
  5. Critically asses and demonstrate the skills needed in employment, including the theory and practice of working in teams
  6. Write a report/reflective journal on their research into their own future employment opportunities 
Discussion (Advanced Professional Practices)

After multiple discussions with the module leaders, today 26th of February have settled in on various things on the exhibition planning.

The name of the exhibition

First is the name of the exhibition "Expo5ed" with a tagline (with 4lowers). The meaning behind this is that the main graduates are 5 members plus with the theme of the exhibition which is 'Technology' in which we derive the word exposed as to exposing ourselves to a new experience, exposing to new learning and expose as in expressing ourselves. All that combined comes "Expo5ed". In addition to the 5 main graduates there are 4 other Part 1 students which are also going to be joining the graduates for the exhibition as well. "4lowers" which is another way of saying 'followers' indicates that instead of just 5 of the main graduates there are also 4 post graduates that are following along for the journey. It can also be used for others like the lecturers and module leaders that will be there for the exhibition and also the visitors that come to the exhibition as they are following us for the journey.

Technology theme

Because of the final products of the 5 main graduates are somewhat related to technological involvement such as websites, application for mobile devices and conceptual video, we choose technology as the theme. 

Additional ideas

In addition to the exhibition preparations, the committee also suggested to have a T-shirt design for each of the members involved each group with a different design to differentiate the members from committee, main graduates, post graduates and lecturers.

For a gift or merchandising, we also suggested to have card prints with a function during the exhibition and also T-shirt sales. 

Date and Location

It is confirmed that the exhibition will be on the 13th to 15th of May during the assessment week and the location is to be in Publika.

Discussion 7th March 2016 (Advanced Professional Practice)

Last week 29th February 2016 - 4th March 2016 a discussion is held for the selection of the logo design 5 design were shown:

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3

Logo 4

Logo 5

And the one which was selected was Logo 1 due to the design of the lines and circles which was revealed to be a reference to the microchip design. However a feedback was given on the blue box in the middle and what purpose does it fulfill. It was then explained as to show the microchip board but the idea was not really appealing and was asked to remove it leaving only the Typeface and the design of the lines and circles.

Amendment were made and 3 design were shown again to the module leader on 7th March 2016

Logo 1 v2

Logo 2 v2

Logo 3 v2

After some time another discussion is held again with the module leader and finalized the logo design for the event. During the discussion with the module leader Logo 1 v2 was selected but the logo still need some refining in terms of colours but the design is accepted. Here are a few alterations done on that sessions

Logo Process 1

Logo Process 2

In this process more black spots were inserted to make the word "EXPO5E" more visible on a white background and later, change the background to a darker colour to test the visibility. 

The results is as shown therefore this is not a viable design and some tweaking is needed. 

Logo 1 Scaling

This is a scaling of the Logo 1 on 100%, 70% and 50%. One thing I found out about this design is up close the characters E X P O 5 E is not very visible but when in a distance the typeface is then more visible.

Logo 2 Scaling

This is the scaling process for the Logo 2 which has the extra black spots. 

After some time looking and comparing the 2 logos, the module leader still prefer Logo 1 and now an experimentation on coloured background is needed.

In the end the colour scheme on the logo needs to be changed to enable much better vision with different coloured background.

In addition to that, a later discussion was on the position of the committee on Art Director, Copywriter and Production.

Here is the new roster:

President: Mirmo
Secretary: Mirmo
Treasury: Chuu
Exhibition: Jason
Art Director: Jason
Copywriter: Jason
Production: Chuu
Logistics: Jack & Farhan

Introduction Video (Advanced Professional Practice)

For the introduction of the students, we decided to make a video instead to save cost. For this project each student will have their own methods to making that video.

Each student will be given a time frame of 2 - 3 minutes, in that 2 - 3 minutes the student will have to think and plan their own way how they want to shoot the video to introduce themselves to the audience. In the video they are required to:
  • Explain themselves
  • Explain the topic they are focusing on
  • Explain the project that they are doing in brief

With the total of 10 students the video will be estimated to be around 30 minutes. And with 10 student each shooting in their own way, we can see the different styles of shooting and personality of 10 different students.

Portfolio Research (Advanced Professional Practice)

A Portfolio is a compilation of creative works to project one's skill to a potential employer. It is a sort of pre-resume for designers to portray their work to people that would be their future employers. It give the sort of preview of what that designer is capable of design and work to give the first impression to the viewer and also help them gauge the skills of the designer.

Creative portfolio is a portfolio that is presented creativity to spark interest to the person viewing.

After researching and looking at examples of creative portfolio. I need to sketch and create my own portfolio, name card and resume.

Individual Statement (Advanced Professional Practice)

Jason is an innovative person that likes to create objects or characters. He loves animation ever since he was young and also has a passion in the gaming industry. Jason believes that design should not be restricted but rather free in expression of meaning and opinion. He believes that there is no wrong design but only bad design.

Rationale (Advanced Professional Practice)

SOMAD presents you EXPO5E the event where technology meets society. What separates SOMAD from the others is that the students are given a freedom of choice in their own project instead of a guideline that needs to be followed. This gives the student the opportunity to express their own creativity in their own way.

EXPO5E (Expose) derive from the word exposure, the exposure of learning from people of different culture and religion. Explore the variant ideas from peers and tutors learning through practicality. Express emotions and feelings into development of work investing passion. Experience the world of reality from the perspectives of students.

Personal Logo (Advanced Professional Practice)

These are the sketches for personal logo using the alphabet 'J' and 'C'
After some time of thinking, a final design was selected and transfer into AI. And here is the AI versions

Individual Statement (Advanced Professional Practice)

Each student have to create an individual statement that describe them as a person. This statement will gives the audience an impression on the student before meeting them in person and will be located in the booklet that is handed out during the exhibition.

Jason Chin (Year 3 Part 2)
Jason is an innovative person that likes to create objects or characters. He loves animation ever since he was young and also has a passion in the gaming industry. Jason believes that design should not be restricted but rather free in expression of meaning and opinion. He believes that - ‘There is no wrong design but only bad design’.

Farhan (Year 3 Part 2)
Farhan studies graphic design and photography. He likes the color blue, red and black color. Farhan is good with photo manipulation and has various skills in editing software. He specializes in fine art photography. 

Chuu Dahalin (Year 3 Part 2)
Chuu is a positive and strong girl that likes travelling. She is very outgoing and is crazy in love with cats. Chuu’s passion in photography is strong, wherever she go she has habit of taking pictures. - ‘Knowledge is like the ocean, vast and never ending’

Mirmo (Year 3 Part 2)
Mirmo is passionate about photography. She loves capturing what she sees and she likes to explore and experience new things. To her, every day there is something to be learnt. She is also a responsible person.

Jack (Year 3 Part 2)
Jack Mashali Kawaya, is a Graphic Designer, Painter, and Illustrator. He is very passionate in art since a very young age. Most of his inspirations comes from nature and dreams. He keep these words in mind that his grandpa used to tell him. - “Artist must not be silent, his actions must speaks louder than words”.

Jasmine Chin (Year 3 Part 1)
Jasmine is a positive and cheerful girl that is adventurous and like to gain new experiences. Jasmine gives her best to do everything and likes helping people, children and always tries to bring laughter to everyone she meets. Jasmine's hobby is drawing, coloring and dancing.

Huang (Year 3 Part 1)
Huang is a student from China. Huang is an honest and funny person, He thinks the people that lies are the worst kind. Huang's favorite color is black. Huang’s favorite sport is badminton, he plays badminton every weekend. Huang considers his worst habit is procrastination, which he is trying to fix.

Muneeb (Year 3 Part 1)
Muneeb lives with the motive of “knowledge is the key to success”. He has also the passion of working out and talking about food and health all day long.

Elvis (Year 3 Part 1)
Elvis is a curios person and every strange thing interests him. He started his love for design since he was 7 years old. Elvis has other hobbies like listening to music, watching sci-fi movies, reading horror novels and doing crazy designs.

Gurmesh Singh (Year 2 Part 2)
Gurmesh is a jovial person. He is always cracking jokes and prank on others to make his friends and family laugh. Due to his friendly nature, Gurmesh has friends everywhere. In addition with his work part time outside of college, Gurmesh also does projects the Sikh community. He tries to be a help as much as he can.

Personal Logo Final (Advanced Professional Practice)

Here are the one by one look:

After showing these experimentation of design and colours to the module leader. She decided among all the one which stand outs the most is 

She gave a comment on the design to be harmonious and well balanced out. I agree with her because when I was playing with the colour scheme I found this colour design captivates me. The module leader asked for a reversed colour scheme

Product Design (Advanced Professional Practice)

Name Card Design

Resume Design


Final Product (Advanced Professional Practice)

Name Card



Exhibition Designs (Advanced Professional Practice)

Bunting Stand

Invitation Card

T-Shirt Design

Floor plan for the exhibition

Publika "EXPO5E" (Exhibition)

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