16 May 2016

Review (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Review (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Throughout the entire course I have learn much but none which compares with the knowledge I got from this module "Graphics Design 3". While many has been said in the past this time, I learn more in details on layout, typography and aspect. 

In the beginning there were hiccups where misunderstandings and miscommunication create a rift between Part 1 and Part 2 where the project seems like it's not progressing and we are starting out late. Progress did not really move forward until Week 6 or 7. However that was the time where the exhibition progress kicks off and we were even more busy than before. It was lucky that the suggestion that I proposed to the module leader to include Part 1 students into the exhibition that way Part 2 could have some breathing space although there is only 1 student who is helping along the way out of 5. 

In between week 4 - 6, I put a halt to progression on Graphic Design project as well as Animation due to the rushing of the exhibition layout, logo, t-shirt design, bunting stand and others. It took sometime but I finally did finish everything within 3 weeks and I could continue with Graphic Design 3 project. With not many weeks left I had to do thing is a more easy way as a result I created the infographic for the project by accident. The initial of that visual image is to give the module leader a better understanding of the project which didn't had a name yet which is an application that focuses on smartphone users mainly teenagers to socialize more rather than staying at home without leaving their phone. The module leader sees the image and says that this can be used as an infographic and I have saved sometime there. Moving on I did the wireframe in which then is reviewed by the module leader and got some comments on the grid system, fonts, and placements.

In the entire process I learn a lot about design layout on a flat space both in the Graphic Design project as well the exhibition designs like the invitation card and banner stand. The invitation card gave me the most learning experienced because of the limited space that the card provide and how can we cramp in information into an even smaller space where the rest is taken up by the logo. 

The logo "EXPO5E" was done by me through some sort of experiment, using an advice from the module leader that certain design doesn't need an outline to show the shape but using the content. In which I inserted the circles and lines into the fonts and remove the fonts completely creating the logo that we had. A lot of experimentation is done throughout this semester and most design comes out by accident through experimentation. 

Once every planning is said and done, I moved on to making the motion graphic which is the final project for Graphic Design a motion graphic explaining the application to the audiences. Here I get a lot of help from the module leader on the layout, and making things centered and not lopsided the words to use and also the transition in between pages, the movement of the words and graphics.

This has been a great experience to be learning this from such great lecturers and have such peers to work with and hopefully I can work with them in the future.

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