11 September 2014

Whats is Brand? (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

Graphics Design 2 Part 1


What is branding?

A process/method of creating an image or name of a product/service in the consumers mind. It is also the term used for name, design, symbol that identifies one product from the rest.

Honda - Automotive
Toyota - Automotive

Same field (Automotive) but different brand (Names)

Similar to names given to humans, brand is the name given to a product to differentiate them from those in the same field or the same product. It is also a way for consumers to identify the different qualities of product through branding.

What is brand identity?

Brand identity is the visible elements that distinguish the consumer's mind. Elements such as colours, name, design, symbol are the identity of the brand that separates its from the other brands. It is also the method or process the company wants the consumers to perceive in their heads.

Like for McDonalds, the colours that they used were bright and happy in efforts to make consumers feel happy everytime they think about McDonalds or remember the times of being a child (their childhood)

Whats is brand element?

Like what I state in brand identity, brand elements are the elements of a brand that makes it a brand. Elements such as colours, design, symbol and etc.

Pretty similar to design elements, brand elements are the elements that are visible to consumers and are imprinted into their brains and remembered as "this brand"



Even a simple M with yellow colour filled in, it reminds us of McDonalds, because we known that McDonalds logo or brand is a yellow M it has and always been this way. That experience has been imprinted into our brains and are constantly reminded of such every time we encounter something similar

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