11 July 2014

Task 3 - Getting To Work (Creative Thinking for Designers)

Task 3 - Getting to Work

The process of creating the artwork itself:

The artwork is created using wood, recycled wood

The flatbed for the paper

After gathering the items for the project, I went to putting them together with nails

Right after the nailing is complete, I've began the string holding part using wires as ropes/strings

With this the structural part of the project is complete and I moved on to the flatbed itself. Using manila card to make a smooth surface from the wood and spray paint to stick it

After the card is stuck, I've begin to nail down the paper clippers

And then I put the two piece together

This is the basic structure and the basic form of the project now moving on the extra aesthetics

First, the tray

With the tray done, it's time for the bottles/container for the drawing/painting utensils

With this I have done everything the project is completed, however I added something that was not planned in the idea sketching. Which is was a self draining water container

When filled with water, the user can use this as the water for painting

And when the water is no longer useful, all he need is to open the cap and the water will flow out

Finally the project is DONE

Add a little finishing of yellow paint

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