3 July 2014

Task 3 - Texture Practices (Basic Digital Skills)

Task 3 - Texture Practices (Basic Digital Skills)

We were required to scan 10 images and study their texture digitally

These were the few pictures that I've scan for the task and then using the software Photoshop, I altered, changed and mixed the textures together into one picture

Using this function, I alter the image and blend it into the background creating new texture or image

Using the masking function, I can erase certain part of the texture without disturbing the background or the whole image

and resulting in these few images

For this image I wanted ti portray the idea of before and after using both a naked foot and a foot with shoes on. The main reason of this image is more towards a book cover or magazine cover of some sort

This image is also the same as before except this image uses more of the "Masking" function. This image was created with the concept of a book cover in mind

This is more of a poster like image whereby the idea of Nature OR Technology is portrayed. Using both man-made objects and nature textures and blend together

For this image I wanted to send the idea of a plastic leaf, therefore the sentence "Recycle Before it is Too Late". Using mask to erase the parts without the leaf texture is and making the feel of the leaf is being wrapped by the plastic

For this I wanted to send the idea similar to Nature OR Technology but using Man and Nature. Similar to the previous image, displaying two different image in one each with its own concept and background to create a VS idea

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