3 July 2014

Task 3 - Tutorial Practices (Basic Digital Skills)

Task 3 - Tutorial Practices

In the recent weeks, our lecturer has conducted a few tutorial practices on Illustrator and Photoshop.

In the first tutorial, we were taught on how to use the Ruler Grid and Duplication Method with Rotating Tool

Using the Ruler we put in a horizontal and vertical guide to find the center of the circle

Then we use the rectangle tool and create a small box at the very top of the circle

Then using this tool, and selecting the center with the center of the circle, this will be the point of rotation and setting an angle of rotation we copy the rectangle and by using CTRL + D, we duplicate and continue to fill the rest of the circle with the small box

and finally the tutorial ends like this


The second tutorial we need to make this

First the tutorial starts with a shape like this

And then using the same rotation technique and do this

Using pathfinder "divide" and create a pattern like this

And then slowly selecting the box that I wanted and change the fill colour to the colour I chose
resulting this

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