24 June 2014

Task 2 - Decision (Creative Thinking for Designers)

Task 2 - Decision

In this task, I have to analyze the idea in Task 1 and decide on the materials and how will it work and such.

In the end I chose to use Wood and Plastics as materials to create the artwork and with a little help of nails and other tools to make it workable.

I've separated the parts of the artwork and named them accordingly and will fix them up one by one instead of doing the whole thing from scratch. Like I said before the light source is an optional functionality that will or will not be installed depends on my skills with electronics, wiring and such.

The main functionality of the artwork is the board for drawing

This part is mostly influenced by the Light Box

Whereby artist, animators puts papers and draws upon, but instead of having the light underneath the light is outside and is movable.

The secondary functionality is the pencil case where the artist can put in the pencils, pens, brushes, or even charcoal. 

Pretty much similar to just a mug holding fork, knifes and spoons, the plastic bottles serves as the mug and the utensils are the fork and spoons.

The main idea of this artwork is that it doesn't required the artist to move from place to place between drawing utensils and the drawing paper.

In this artwork everything you need is there.

Optionally there is also a light source whereby the artist can use to create an additional light or give lighting when the artist feel is not enough

The idea of the light source is that this is a board where the artist draws characters, or sketches some ideas or props

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