1 March 2016

Colour Affect (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Colour Affect (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Colour psychology is a study of colour as a determinant of human behavior as some colour has mental and physical effect on the human body. Leslie Harrington from the Color Association of the United Kingdom says that colours influence how we feel for a several reasons, one would be personal preference and also cultural or social levels. An example will be "when you look at red, your heart rate increases."


RED colour has the longest wavelength and often considered the most powerful colour in the spectrum. RED is technically not the most visible colour of all but it has a certain property that attracts attention thus the red light in traffic lights all across the world. RED do have a physical effect when looked upon it increase the heart rate of those looking and make time appears to move faster. It possesses both the qualities of a friendly and lively stimulation while also can be aggressive and demanding.

Positives: Physical Courage, Strength, Warmth, Energy, Excitement, Stimulation, Masculinity, 'fight or flight'.

Negatives: Defiance, Aggression, Visual Impact, Strain.


BLUE is often use to portray intellectual properties, and also the colour of the mind. It has a mental effect on us unlike the RED which stimulate physical reactions. Strong BLUE will instill clear thought and soft BLUE have a calming effect and also aid in concentration. It is always serene and calming in nature, however the colour is not as close to us as RED does. While it does give a calming expression BLUE also is perceived as cold, unfriendly and unemotional (feeling blue)

Positives: Intelligence, communication, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness, reflection, calm.

Negatives: Loneliness, Unfriendliness, Coldness, Emotionless


The wavelength of YELLOW is also long like RED and also stimulating in this case, its emotion. Therefore psychologically YELLOW is at the top. With the right tone of the colour it can help to promote self-esteem and spirits. However too much or a wrong tone of the yellow will cause anxiety, fear and lower self-esteem.

Positives: Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, emotional strength, friendliness, creativity.   

Negatives: Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide.


Resting at the center of the spectrum GREEN represents balance. The colour strikes the eyes without any restraints therefore giving it a resting feel. Most people considers GREEN as the colour of relaxation. It also considered as the colour of life as the Earth is covered with greenery indicating life. The bad side of GREEN is that it also brings out the feeling of being bland and boring.

Positives: Harmony, balance, refreshment, rest, restoration, reassurance, environmental awareness, equilibrium, peace. 

Negatives: Boredom, stagnation, blandness.

Source from: http://www.colour-affects.co.uk/psychological-properties-of-colours

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