29 February 2016

Spectrum of Colours (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Spectrum of Colours (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

A spectrum is a range over some measurable property for example sound, mass and even colours. Issac Newton used spectrum as a division of colours in his colour wheel: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

We were required to take a few pictures of a colour spectrum. 

How a white ceiling turned yellow when a light covered in a yellow frame shines

Different intensity of light source may change the colour of an object, in the picture above the tree leaves are green but when exposed to a strong light source like the sun the colour changes.

When a strong light source is exposed towards the perception's point of view, colours of the objects may seem brighter than it's original colour and can be seen to be almost white entirely.

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