22 February 2016

Typography Research (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Typography Research (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Because the final project will be using lots of typography an understanding of typography must be done.

What is Typography?

It is a visual component that is compose of written word that conveys a message to viewers which makes it a very important aspect to select/use a proper and suitable typeface (the form of the typography). Typography has changed throughout the times when it used to be on metal plates rather than a drop-down menu with funny names. While the methods of using typography has changed in a big way the process of selecting one has never improve much, it is still difficult and complicated as the old days.

There are many types of font typefaces from Old English, Blackletter to Arial and Lucida but the main point of typography is 4 basic categories:
  • Serif: have the little dash or hook at the end of each alphabet, they are used for more traditional or more formal stuff.
  • San Serif: the opposite of Serif, San Serif (No-Serif), where there are none of the hook or dash at the end of the alphabet. Because of this the typeface is often understood as modern looking and streamlined from Serif. However it can be debated that Serif in a long paragraph text is easier to navigate and easier to read but the nature of Serif's alphabet is thin and small it is harder to see when displayed on a pixel based screens therefore web-designers like to use San-Serif for web based contents especially when dealing with small texts.

  • Scripts: are handwriting looking typefaces often with connecting lines. There are often fun looking and very hand drawn rather than digitally made. 

  • Decorative/Display: these typefaces are of one purpose to entertain or to look fancy but they serve the same function as any other typefaces does. As the name 'decorative' implies these typefaces main objective is to get attention and should only be used in small portions as they are more unique than practical.

Source: https://designschool.canva.com/font-design/

Why Typography is important?

Fig.1: Two different typography, source from: http://practicaltypography.com/what-is-typography.html

The above image is two different typography on a signboard. While it written with the same context the delivery is very different for both typography that is because the art style. Typography is an art as much as photography is an art, typography and photography is different in their form of artwork but they both the same in form of functionality. 

Typography in Motion

Choosing a typography that works well in motion is very important when the page or artwork that you are viewing is dynamic and moving. Due to the project that currently working on, a typeface that works well in motion is a much because the audience will be looking at the typeface on a mobile phone with dynamic and interactive functionalities.

One key feature of typography in motion is the legibility, the ability for readers to understand and comprehend the message in the written form. Good typography leads the viewers in the direction that they were suppose to be, bad typography makes viewers go lost in transition. Many factors are taken in to make a good typography, typeface, font size, colours and spacing are all part of the equation to a good typography. 

An example of a good typography in motion also known as  (Kinetic Typography)

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