9 March 2016

Introduction Video (Advanced Professional Practice)

Introduction Video (Advanced Professional Practice)

For the introduction of the students, we decided to make a video instead to save cost. For this project each student will have their own methods to making that video.

Each student will be given a time frame of 2 - 3 minutes, in that 2 - 3 minutes the student will have to think and plan their own way how they want to shoot the video to introduce themselves to the audience. In the video they are required to:
  • Explain themselves
  • Explain the topic they are focusing on
  • Explain the project that they are doing in brief
With the total of 10 students the video will be estimated to be around 30 minutes. And with 10 student each shooting in their own way, we can see the different styles of shooting and personality of 10 different students.

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