14 March 2016

Logo Creation (Graphics Design 3 Part 2)

Logo Creation (Graphics Design 3 Part 2)

In collaboration with APP (Advanced Professional Practice) the logo creation is supervised by the module leader of Graphic Design 3. Here are the process of creation of the logo from the finalized version to the experimentation.

This is the finalized design of the logo and scaling of 100% - 70% - 50%

A few experimentation on the design is done to test the visibility of the design and changing of colours to test the results.

After a few test on different coloured background it appears that dark colour background does not go well with the current colour scheme of the logo.

The module leader suggested to change the colours in the circles to find a fix and after some time of thinking I decided to change the colour to grey.

Here the design is much more clear when put on a dark background. Another suggestion where received where I was asked to change the lines from black to white to see the difference.

While making the design another lecturer try suggesting that to remove the white circles as an experiment.

This are the few steps of experimentation done throughout the logo creation process

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