30 March 2016

Personal Logo (Advanced Professional Practice)

Personal Logo (Advanced Professional Practice)

These are the sketches for personal logo using the alphabet 'J' and 'C'
After some time of thinking, a final design was selected and transfer into AI. And here is the AI versions


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  2. As we all know that a logo is a symbol, representative or signature of a brand, majority of companies prefer to have eye-catching logos for their websites. design logo

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  11. With a little thought and imagination, your logo can rapidly and graphically express numerous positive properties of your business, as well.graphic design service

  12. Logo architects for the most part come as Graphic Designer, Print Designer, Creative Firm or Marketing Company. Costs can differ from seventy-five dollars straight as much as ten thousand dollars relying upon who you employ, the kind of customer base they work with and the measure of your organization, occasion, group or task. Before you call them to examine valuing, investigate their logo portfolio to perceive what they have created. In the event that you like their style, reach them. On the off chance that they hit you up rapidly, it's likely a decent begin to your relationship.
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