18 July 2014

Task 3 - Visit to Mantin (Museum, Heritage & Gallery)

Task 3 - Visit to Mantin (Museum, Heritage & Gallery)

For the next task we're to form groups of a few people and send to visit a nearby town called Mantin and bring back items for a project called Cabin of Curiosity

I went with a few of my friends and visited many places from food stalls to a flower orchard but none took the interest in us except the fruit stalls. From what I've heard Mantin is famous for its fruit especially Durian therefore my group decided to create a cabin with the theme fruit stall

Using real fruits we created a small fruit stall like presentation

The hay is to add in the feel of an actual fruit stall

Add in pictures to further elaborate the presentation

The King of Fruits

With that we just explained how and why we did the presentation this way and expressed out interest in this


Task 4 - Review and Enhance (Basic Digital Skills)

Task 4 - Review and Enhance

During the 8 weeks of this subjects I have learned a lot of technical skills along with some work ethics.

Firstly, I've learn a lot of the technical skills in Photoshop and Illustrator but more on Illustrator. From the rotating tool to copying to using image tracing and learned how to convert a bitmap file into a vector file.

Also learned how to print a high quality work piece by not using JPEG files but using PDF files

On the work ethics side or outside the technical side, I learned that thinking too much is not good for this kind of field. I have to do and make do of what I encounter along the way like for example the Optical Illusion task, took me quite some time to complete that because I think a lot on how to do, in the end I just do and it worked out just fine

Though it is a short semester but I learn quite a few things that will make the upcoming semesters better

11 July 2014

Task 3 - Getting To Work (Creative Thinking for Designers)

Task 3 - Getting to Work

The process of creating the artwork itself:

The artwork is created using wood, recycled wood

The flatbed for the paper

After gathering the items for the project, I went to putting them together with nails

Right after the nailing is complete, I've began the string holding part using wires as ropes/strings

With this the structural part of the project is complete and I moved on to the flatbed itself. Using manila card to make a smooth surface from the wood and spray paint to stick it

After the card is stuck, I've begin to nail down the paper clippers

And then I put the two piece together

This is the basic structure and the basic form of the project now moving on the extra aesthetics

First, the tray

With the tray done, it's time for the bottles/container for the drawing/painting utensils

With this I have done everything the project is completed, however I added something that was not planned in the idea sketching. Which is was a self draining water container

When filled with water, the user can use this as the water for painting

And when the water is no longer useful, all he need is to open the cap and the water will flow out

Finally the project is DONE

Add a little finishing of yellow paint

9 July 2014

Task 3 - Textures and Colours (Basic Digital Skills)

Task 3 - Textures and Colours

Find a number of organic and non-organic objects. Examine their properties digitally to do so use scanning devices. Experiment with the scanning options and methods, try rotating the object whilst scanning or something else. Extract the patterns and textures and form them into a new image. Look at the visually balancing colour and textures. Which is more important? Try working in black and white to experiment

With the tutorial practices experience I used the skills that I've learn in the tutorials and whatever knowledge I have with Photoshop and try to make an image on my own.

The examples from the tutorials were

And finally with all the examples this is my final image