27 October 2015

Generating Ideas (Graphic Design 3 Part 1)

Generating Ideas (Graphic Design 3 Part 1)

In the first discussion with the module leader after finalizing the topic on thesis which is Handheld Device Addiction. At first she ask what is it that is inducing the addiction what is it that keeps these people addicted to the device. First thing that comes to mind is social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Time recording application and alarm

She asked how am I going to solve the problem which is teenagers spending 5.4 hours on average a day on their device. She gave a suggestion is to create an application within the device that records the time usage on the device even in the background, the application will initiate an alarm when the time usage has reached a certain point of time like for example 2 hours or 4 hours. That way when the alarm goes off, the affected person is reminded that he has used this much time on his/her device which will spark some kind of awareness. After some time of consideration and thinking, this idea is good however the application record on the device usage time that means even when the user is using the device for legitimate uses like calling a parent or a work related call it is still being recorded by the application for the addiction count.

After meeting for a second time, I told the module leader about the issue I just said which is the application will also record the time usage for legitimate reasons so I don't think that will supply an accurate results.

She replied to me that no the application even when it is recording the usage of all the alarm that goes off is just a reminder for the user that he/she has used the device for a certain period of time. Instead of like telling the user to stop, the application works like a reminder to him/her that you have reached this time frame giving indications to the user to slow down his/her usage on the device.

With that in mind, I proceed to making just a simple sketch of the application from a phone perspective:

Objective based picture portal (#shareaday)

This is an idea I had after the lecture on User Generated Content. It is a project that uses pictures and objective on a website. What it is, is that the project starts from a website which gives out an Objective on daily basis and resets after 24 hours. In that 24 hours, the users is required to know the objective and find a way to take a picture that is achieving the objective and post it on social media or the website. Once submitted the picture will appear in a gallery where users now can go and look around and also vote for the picture they think it is best describing the objective of the day. Before the 24 hours time limit ends and change to a new objective, a winner is selected for the objective of the day.

An example: Today's Objective is "Spending time with mom"

With the objective released, users have the objective in mind which is spending time with mom so now they have to take a picture which is related to the objective and post it with the hashtag #shareaday and post it on the website. Once submitted, they cannot submit another picture so they can look and discuss with family and friends on which picture to submit onto the website. Here they can also view a gallery of photo/pictures submitted by others and give a like as a vote for the best picture of the day. At the end of the day before the Objective is changed into a new one a winner is selected with the highest vote.

Fig1: Main page of website (Share a Day)

Fig2: About page where details of the organizer is and also information on what is the campaign or website is about

Fig3: Picture submission page where users will submit their photos for the objective of the day

Fig4: Gallery page where users can view other photos of other users and vote by giving a 'Like' 

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