22 October 2015

Concept and Themes (Animation 3 Part 1)

Concept and Themes (Animation 3 Part 1)

Before the idea of the project is finalized, I have to find and explore the themes and concept potentially for the project. Starting off I explored the concepts which is close to the topic I have chosen for Thesis "Handheld Device Addiction" or normally known as "Smartphone Device Addiction".


The first concept comes to mind is from the Telecommunications Company DiGi which their concept is - "I Will Follow You"

The idea of the concept is that DiGi express their telecommunication services as a yellow man that follows you everywhere you go portraying the meaning that wherever you are the telecommunication service is still with you even in a mountain.

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBsfp0ZbQ4s

The concept started at the end of 2006, beginning with a series of TV commercials showing the Yellow Man following people around the place with the song "I Will Follow You" in the background. The song is based of the Billboard 100 #1 song "I will follow him" by Little Peggy March. During the period of the campaign promotion, the public reacted positively and was quite the sensation during the 18 months long promotion. The theme of the concept was the colour Yellow as the yellow man indicates because of DiGi is represented as yellow within the telecommunications industry in Malaysia while Hotlink is Red and Celcom is Blue/Purple.

Look Up

The second concept in discussion is "Look Up" a viral video made by a filmmaker by the name Gary Turk. In 2014, Gary Turk released a video called Look Up that gained attention by the masses and collected a total of 350 million views (53 million on Youtube) worldwide. The video was named Youtube most trending video of 2014 and was the most shared/viral video of 2014.

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY

I encountered the video by accident on Facebook when the video appeared on my wall and looked interesting I gave it a try and was amazed at the impact it gave me. The idea of the concept is for the phenomenon of people getting hooked on their mobile devices and stop human interaction. The video uses the phenomenon where people walks and sits while looking down to their phone therefore the concept of the video is Look Up. The one thing I got from this video is that how it sparks question to people that watched it, questions like is that really happening? It tells the issue where people are 'connecting' with others through social media and are sharing stuffs when they are not really connecting or sharing stuffs. Even when you are sharing a picture of a beautiful location, your friends are not really there. Even when you are chatting with your friends, they are not really there. This is a damn fine video on the issue and which is why I think that is what helps the success of the video.

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