22 October 2015

Experiment Ideas (Animation 3 Part 1)

Experiment Ideas (Animation 3 Part 1)

After finding concepts its time to move on with experimentation of techniques, animation techniques. This is to get or find the method that will be used in the final product, nothing here indicating how the final animation will be made but just a part of the process. When asked for 3 techniques I thought of 2 instantly which is:-
  1. Paper Cut Out
  2. 2D animation
First is Paper Cut Out which is a technique that uses paper and stop motion combined to make an animation. It uses flat props normally cut from paper or any flat materials for the character design, background and even props. Now with modern computers the technique still exist however the usage of the physical form of the paper cut outs or materials are lessen as after the props and materials are done they are scanned into the soft copies of themselves and are animated in the computer. One noticeable animation that uses this technique to this day is South Park. 

(Reference: http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/sgrais/cutout_animation.htm)

Source: Google Image: http://i.imgur.com/Rya0lQy.png

Here is an example of the animation South Park in action as the video clearly shows multiple elements of a cut out animation. 

The reason why I choose cut out animation is that I have always been interested in it but never did had a chance to try. Now since I have a chance to do some sort of experimentation I wanted to give it a shot. 

Second choice is 2D animation this is because its something I have done before and is comfortable with, in the experimentation I wanted to try a different way of doing it. This time using Flash like I did last time only this time I wanna draw it frame by frame on Flash instead of the post to post technique I used in last semester. Since I have never done frame by frame drawing in Flash therefore I can experiment the technique used.

The end results is something similar to this 

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqN0DOvHHB4

This is an animation done by the studio Carbots Animation. They use Adobe Flash to create most of their animation and their concept of the animation is simplicity. The character design in most of their animation are from the Blizzard Game Development Company which are all very detailed and refined. 

Source: Google Image: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/c/c5/Roach_SC2_Rend1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080701195047

Source: Google Image: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/9/9f/Stalker_SC2_render2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090129010543

Here are two rendition of the Blizzard Company character design, the first one is called a Roach and the second is called a Stalker. Here is the Carbot version of the two 

Source: Google Image: http://40.media.tumblr.com/5d59558842abdf78ca7b6b0b106ba597/tumblr_mnyoadiwzn1s1pua7o1_1280.png

Source: Google Image: http://40.media.tumblr.com/93f9fa649b277e0f35dddf1bd6743c8f/tumblr_mlgikbQ3AA1s1pua7o1_1280.jpg

Even with the simplicity they still have some kind of relatable design with the original.

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