31 October 2015

Step 7 (Thesis) (RE-draft)

Step 7 (Thesis) (RE-draft)

In a discussion with the module leader, some part in Component 1 needed to be enhanced

This is the redraft version of the the Methodology

30 October 2015

Cut Out animation (Animation 3 Part 1)

Cut Out animation (Animation 3 Part 1)

Beginning of the experimentation, I have to create the design for the experiment:

Fig.1: First Sketch for Cut Out experiment (Character Design from Year 1 Part 2)

After drawing and sketching the character design or the subject of experiment, the design is break up 
into parts for each part that moves. Some parts are duplication of the same part like the legs therefore there is only one leg drawing that will be duplicated into two legs to avoid different ratio is scale and size if both legs are hand drawn.

After done sketching, scanning is done and threw into Photoshop and cut part by part here are the results:

Fig.2: The Arm

Fig.3: The Body

Fig.4: The Feet

Fig.5: The Left Hand

Fig.6: The Right Hand

Fig.7: The Head Sideways

Fig.8: The Head Sideview

Fig.9: The Leg

27 October 2015

Survey Questions (Draft) (Thesis)

Survey Questions (Draft) (Thesis)

A draft version of the questionnaire that will be given out to the targeted audience for data collection

This is the draft version for Smartphone/Handheld Device Usage Questionnaire

Generating Ideas (Graphic Design 3 Part 1)

Generating Ideas (Graphic Design 3 Part 1)

In the first discussion with the module leader after finalizing the topic on thesis which is Handheld Device Addiction. At first she ask what is it that is inducing the addiction what is it that keeps these people addicted to the device. First thing that comes to mind is social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 

Time recording application and alarm

She asked how am I going to solve the problem which is teenagers spending 5.4 hours on average a day on their device. She gave a suggestion is to create an application within the device that records the time usage on the device even in the background, the application will initiate an alarm when the time usage has reached a certain point of time like for example 2 hours or 4 hours. That way when the alarm goes off, the affected person is reminded that he has used this much time on his/her device which will spark some kind of awareness. After some time of consideration and thinking, this idea is good however the application record on the device usage time that means even when the user is using the device for legitimate uses like calling a parent or a work related call it is still being recorded by the application for the addiction count.

After meeting for a second time, I told the module leader about the issue I just said which is the application will also record the time usage for legitimate reasons so I don't think that will supply an accurate results.

She replied to me that no the application even when it is recording the usage of all the alarm that goes off is just a reminder for the user that he/she has used the device for a certain period of time. Instead of like telling the user to stop, the application works like a reminder to him/her that you have reached this time frame giving indications to the user to slow down his/her usage on the device.

With that in mind, I proceed to making just a simple sketch of the application from a phone perspective:

Objective based picture portal (#shareaday)

This is an idea I had after the lecture on User Generated Content. It is a project that uses pictures and objective on a website. What it is, is that the project starts from a website which gives out an Objective on daily basis and resets after 24 hours. In that 24 hours, the users is required to know the objective and find a way to take a picture that is achieving the objective and post it on social media or the website. Once submitted the picture will appear in a gallery where users now can go and look around and also vote for the picture they think it is best describing the objective of the day. Before the 24 hours time limit ends and change to a new objective, a winner is selected for the objective of the day.

An example: Today's Objective is "Spending time with mom"

With the objective released, users have the objective in mind which is spending time with mom so now they have to take a picture which is related to the objective and post it with the hashtag #shareaday and post it on the website. Once submitted, they cannot submit another picture so they can look and discuss with family and friends on which picture to submit onto the website. Here they can also view a gallery of photo/pictures submitted by others and give a like as a vote for the best picture of the day. At the end of the day before the Objective is changed into a new one a winner is selected with the highest vote.

Fig1: Main page of website (Share a Day)

Fig2: About page where details of the organizer is and also information on what is the campaign or website is about

Fig3: Picture submission page where users will submit their photos for the objective of the day

Fig4: Gallery page where users can view other photos of other users and vote by giving a 'Like' 

22 October 2015

Experiment Ideas (Animation 3 Part 1)

Experiment Ideas (Animation 3 Part 1)

After finding concepts its time to move on with experimentation of techniques, animation techniques. This is to get or find the method that will be used in the final product, nothing here indicating how the final animation will be made but just a part of the process. When asked for 3 techniques I thought of 2 instantly which is:-
  1. Paper Cut Out
  2. 2D animation
First is Paper Cut Out which is a technique that uses paper and stop motion combined to make an animation. It uses flat props normally cut from paper or any flat materials for the character design, background and even props. Now with modern computers the technique still exist however the usage of the physical form of the paper cut outs or materials are lessen as after the props and materials are done they are scanned into the soft copies of themselves and are animated in the computer. One noticeable animation that uses this technique to this day is South Park. 

(Reference: http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/sgrais/cutout_animation.htm)

Source: Google Image: http://i.imgur.com/Rya0lQy.png

Here is an example of the animation South Park in action as the video clearly shows multiple elements of a cut out animation. 

The reason why I choose cut out animation is that I have always been interested in it but never did had a chance to try. Now since I have a chance to do some sort of experimentation I wanted to give it a shot. 

Second choice is 2D animation this is because its something I have done before and is comfortable with, in the experimentation I wanted to try a different way of doing it. This time using Flash like I did last time only this time I wanna draw it frame by frame on Flash instead of the post to post technique I used in last semester. Since I have never done frame by frame drawing in Flash therefore I can experiment the technique used.

The end results is something similar to this 

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqN0DOvHHB4

This is an animation done by the studio Carbots Animation. They use Adobe Flash to create most of their animation and their concept of the animation is simplicity. The character design in most of their animation are from the Blizzard Game Development Company which are all very detailed and refined. 

Source: Google Image: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/c/c5/Roach_SC2_Rend1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080701195047

Source: Google Image: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/9/9f/Stalker_SC2_render2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090129010543

Here are two rendition of the Blizzard Company character design, the first one is called a Roach and the second is called a Stalker. Here is the Carbot version of the two 

Source: Google Image: http://40.media.tumblr.com/5d59558842abdf78ca7b6b0b106ba597/tumblr_mnyoadiwzn1s1pua7o1_1280.png

Source: Google Image: http://40.media.tumblr.com/93f9fa649b277e0f35dddf1bd6743c8f/tumblr_mlgikbQ3AA1s1pua7o1_1280.jpg

Even with the simplicity they still have some kind of relatable design with the original.

Concept and Themes (Animation 3 Part 1)

Concept and Themes (Animation 3 Part 1)

Before the idea of the project is finalized, I have to find and explore the themes and concept potentially for the project. Starting off I explored the concepts which is close to the topic I have chosen for Thesis "Handheld Device Addiction" or normally known as "Smartphone Device Addiction".


The first concept comes to mind is from the Telecommunications Company DiGi which their concept is - "I Will Follow You"

The idea of the concept is that DiGi express their telecommunication services as a yellow man that follows you everywhere you go portraying the meaning that wherever you are the telecommunication service is still with you even in a mountain.

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBsfp0ZbQ4s

The concept started at the end of 2006, beginning with a series of TV commercials showing the Yellow Man following people around the place with the song "I Will Follow You" in the background. The song is based of the Billboard 100 #1 song "I will follow him" by Little Peggy March. During the period of the campaign promotion, the public reacted positively and was quite the sensation during the 18 months long promotion. The theme of the concept was the colour Yellow as the yellow man indicates because of DiGi is represented as yellow within the telecommunications industry in Malaysia while Hotlink is Red and Celcom is Blue/Purple.

Look Up

The second concept in discussion is "Look Up" a viral video made by a filmmaker by the name Gary Turk. In 2014, Gary Turk released a video called Look Up that gained attention by the masses and collected a total of 350 million views (53 million on Youtube) worldwide. The video was named Youtube most trending video of 2014 and was the most shared/viral video of 2014.

Source: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY

I encountered the video by accident on Facebook when the video appeared on my wall and looked interesting I gave it a try and was amazed at the impact it gave me. The idea of the concept is for the phenomenon of people getting hooked on their mobile devices and stop human interaction. The video uses the phenomenon where people walks and sits while looking down to their phone therefore the concept of the video is Look Up. The one thing I got from this video is that how it sparks question to people that watched it, questions like is that really happening? It tells the issue where people are 'connecting' with others through social media and are sharing stuffs when they are not really connecting or sharing stuffs. Even when you are sharing a picture of a beautiful location, your friends are not really there. Even when you are chatting with your friends, they are not really there. This is a damn fine video on the issue and which is why I think that is what helps the success of the video.

15 October 2015

Graphic Design (User Generated Content)

Graphic Design (User Generated Content)

On the 13th of October, a short lecture was done on UGC (User Generated Content) a new trend among designers that focuses on making design system that the content is provided by the users instead of the designers/organizers. The term user indicates that the content in the campaign or project is provided by the target audience with a little guidance by the designer such as a title or just simply a hashtag #

There were total of 5 campaign shown each with their own unique way of making content. The first one is Belkin


Belkin is a world renown brand that manufactures router modems and now moving toward technological electronics. They launched a campaign called "legoxbelkin" as in the title it is a collaboration between Belkin and the world's famous toy brand Lego.

Focusing on  iPhone for its world popularity, Belkin developed an iPhone case with a lego board on the back of the case. 

Using that as a base, the campaign is asking the users of this cases to build and showcase the creation they have done and share it on a portal they made to both promote the case and show the creativity of the people that posted the pictures. Fully using the content that was send and shared by users, Belkin or Lego did not add anything for the content itself.


A telecommunications company launched a type of promo that is named "Breaking Up" which is a promotion that allows users to convert from one telecommunication service to another by writing a breaking up letter. Not just that, they also will pay the fees for early termination of the contract all the users need is to write a break up letter and post it on the portal they created 

Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder contributed to the breast cancer awareness campaign using a UGC campaign that uses the hashtag #BCAstrength. What it does is that instead of telling the people, they let people tell stories about the action that they did for the awareness. A platform for people with breast cancer, or a survivor of breast cancer or those around the person that has breast cancer to share their stories on what they did.

Independent Lens

An independent group of people that released a project that is called "Don't Stop Believing" which required people to sing a cover of the famous song "Dont Stop Believing by Journey" and post it up on the platform they created. This project has 2 purpose one is to celebrate the upcoming launch of the documentary movie on how the main vocalist of Journey got into the band called "Don't Stop Believing: Everyman's Journey" the other is that if a talented person is recording the cover they can be picked up and recruited by a record label.



TED is a talk where creative people meet and discuss and debate on technological advancement. In 2014 TEDxPortland released a campaign called "Perfect" which is an app that take a picture with a word PERFECT in the middle 

The idea of this campaign is to let the people who download the app take the picture that they think its PERFECT because creativity in everyone is different. Over 3000 pictures were collected and taken and used as the backdrop from the TED 2014 conference

The lecture was a very eye opening experience and I've learned a new thing which is UGC User Generated Content which I have come upon but never knew its existence until now

2 October 2015

Thesis (Component 1)

Thesis (Component 1)

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

The background of this study is the addiction of smartphones or handheld devices. The rise in popularity of the smartphone has everyone on their toes and eyes wide opened for the technological advancement of what the device can do and because of this many thing in the world has evolved around the device with multitudes of application that convert most of the programs from the computer into the devices for easier usage and mobility. However due to the fact that almost everyone has their own personal smartphone or tablet, the functionality of such device is overused to the point some has wrapped their life around it hence the word Nomophobia is created “The fear of not having a phone”

1.2 Overview of Study

In general the study will cover the basics and general idea of the addiction across the world and slowly narrows it down to a specific area of study. The addiction has begun to pick up across the world has most cases are users are using the device while driving causing danger to him/herself and those around them. Other than such are the fear itself “Nomophobia” which affects the mentality of one when he/she does not have a phone nearby or own one even it is not a chemical based addiction the symptoms of withdrawal are almost similar to drugs.

1.3 Statement of Problem

In one recent survey done, out of 1000 students they spend 5.4 hours a day average on their phone that is 1/3 of an average day they spend awake. The most common reason is that they use the phones to check the social media and to keep up with the news from their friends and family.

1.4 Hypothesis

Can the device of addiction help to create an awareness on the addicted about their condition

1.5 Research Purpose, Aim and Objectives

The aim of the research is to identify the reason of the addiction and find a way to reduce or solve the problem by asking them the addicted directly and with the help of third party audience such as their parents who have been observing them.

1.6 Scope of Study

The scope of the study will be targeted towards teenagers aged between 13 – 19 mostly high school students from a particular town, Kajang. There are 3 high schools located near the town center there is where the scope of study will be.

1.7 Significance of the study

This research is to make younger generation that while technology is good but we mustn’t forget the origins of life which is human touch. The more advance the technology becomes the less human we become as Albert Einstein once said “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots – Albert Einstein.”

2. Statement of Problem

2.1 Teenagers are spending 5.4 hours on their phone on daily basis that is 1/3 on an average day

A writer in BBC by name of Heather Chen wrote on an article on Asia’s smartphone addiction. In about 1000 students in South Korea were tested in a survey, out of 72% of them were aged 11-12 and owns a smartphone. They spend an average of 5.4 hours on them daily and were considered to be addicted to the device. The study were said to be later revealed in 2016 and also stress is an important factor that increases the chance of one getting addicted.

3. Review of Literature

3.1 Definition

What is Graphic Design?
A writer named Jen Hawkyard from Treefrog Inc. wrote on what is graphic design and he said that Graphic Design is an art with purpose. It is a combination of both creative and systematic thinking to create a plan or design to solve a particular problem or achieve an objective. Using the combination of visual imagery and typography to full explain and convey the purpose whether it is a message or instructions to the audience. It is a form of visual communication and the expression of concepts and ideas using graphic elements and tools.

What makes Graphic Design important?
Chrysalis Communication provides 4 points of graphic design in everyday lives, firstly it helps to give the audience a good impression towards the promoted object allows the object to secure a place in the audience’s memory. Second, it tells you apart from the competitors in the field, graphic design helps create an identity for the company or brand. Third, a good graphic design conveys a feeling of professionalism and credibility allowing customers or potential customers to instill a trust towards the brand or company. Lastly, graphics design helps to summarize information of a full page document into single image that conveys the same meaning and information.

What is Addiction?
It is defined as having no control over the actions like doing, consuming or using to the point where it becomes harmful to you. Addiction can occur in many forms like alcohol, gambling even working and shopping. When not able to get the addicted subject a form of withdrawal syndrome on the addicted person making him feeling uneasy.

3.2 History of the issue

Asia’s smartphone addiction
A writer in BBC by name of Heather Chen wrote on an article on Asia’s smartphone addiction. In about 1000 students in South Korea were tested in a survey, out of 72% of them were aged 11-12 and owns a smartphone. They spend an average of 5.4 hours on them daily and were considered to be addicted to the device. The study were said to be later revealed in 2016 and also stress is an important factor that increases the chance of one getting addicted.

3.3 Cause and Effect

Distracted smartphone “addicts” at greater risk if mishaps
A writer in Japan suffered an incident where she was ignored and was left to act on a person face stuck on his phone while walking. She was with her child and has to move from the man or else they would have collided with each other, in frustration she wrote an article on these “smartphone idiots” and sparks question to researchers to act. A researcher named Masakazu Kobayashi from KDDI conducted a research on 300 people and compiled a so-called “mixed-accidents” whereby people using multiple devices simultaneously. Mobile Marketing Data Labo did another survey with 556 people and found 40% of them periodically check SNS via their phone.

Texting While Walking Accident (Video)
ABC News did a report in 2012 for people that are walking with their face or eyes on something else which results in accidents where people bump on each other or worst vehicles. It made a town in the US wanted to enforce a law that will fine people for walking on the streets with their phones in the hand under Jaywalking. A survey was testing by Western Washington University where they send a clown into the campus and only ¼ of the students walking noticed the clown.

Dear Smartphone, I’m Breaking Up With You
A writer post on the Huffington Post that she wanted to break up with her smartphone. This is the result that she herself became aware of what she has become where she no longer can stay away from her phone for a long period of time and has become dependent on the device. She wrote that the smartphone itself the device has so many features that when she needed it is there such as google search for something she doesn’t know, instant messaging to contact her friends, facebook for news updates or even find ways using WAZE when she is lost. However, she wanted the real life back, face to face conversation using vocal cord all she wanted from the smartphone was some space and she said “Is it too much to ask?”

3.4 Solutions

Look Up (Video)

A filmmaker by the name Gary Turk who launched a viral video called “Look Up”. In the video he show and state the issue that is going on but no one seems to notice which is how much we have become a loner with all the social networking and instant messaging. How we all think we have 450 friends on Facebook but not more than 30 have we actually met. How we stopped going out to play in the play with other kids but now stay home watching or playing an iPad, how even a family sits together in the living room but not one word is uttered among them. He showed the effect of handheld devices has done to us in a 4:59 video. In the end, he ask us to put down our phone and live life the right way.

4. Aim(s) and Objective(s) of Research

4.1 Aim:
To create awareness on the social impact of handheld device addiction on teenagers in Kajang using a platform that requires the target audience to do social activities with the device.

4.2 Objective:
  1. To research on handheld device addiction and the social impact it brings focused on teenagers aged between 13 - 19
  2. To survey the statistics of handheld device usage/addiction on teenagers in Kajang using questionnaires and short interviews and also third party audience such as parents on their opinion on the subject matter
  3. To select the social impact of handheld device addiction on teenagers to address based on the survey results and opinions of the third party
  4. To create awareness of the social impact of handheld device addiction to teenagers in Kajang using a platform that involves the target audience to use human interaction and electronic device

5. Hypotheses

5.1 Using a platform that uses competitive element to help raise awareness among teenagers and reduce the physical dangers of handheld device addiction.

6. Methodology

6.1 Definition of Paradigm and Research Design

Step 1: 
Pragmatic: Pragmatic research deals with statistics and proven facts in the process rather than using ideas and hypotheses that are based on theories and assumption. 
Step 2:
The Topic: Smartphone addiction/Handheld Device Addiction

Step 3:

Approach: Case Study: A process or study on a particular event, activity, group of people in depth within a period a time. Case study runs on detailed analysis of a particular subject but under a time period given for the research or study. 

Step 4:

Handheld device is a term used for devices that fits into the hand with the processing power of a small computer. Normally used for smartphones and tablets but PDAs are also handheld devices though not used as much, therefore handheld devices are mostly referred to smartphones and tablets.

Addiction in general are drug based illness but there are many other types of addiction but mainly split between physical and mental addiction. Handheld device addiction is a mental addiction similar to shopping and work addiction.

Social Issues here is the ignorance of face to face conversation that teenagers are doing it without realizing. The devices has connectivity application like social media and because they are busy connecting through the media they forget and ignore those around them especially family members.

Statistics of Smartphone usage indicates the rise of smartphone and tablet usage in Asia is the highest in the world. And children aged from 5 years onward begin to have their own smartphone and with such exposure at young age addiction is sure to come.

Survey done to target audience this is a manual survey done on the target audience to get their opinions and experience firsthand. It also includes those that are around them like friends and parents to get the third party perspective.

Using application to raise awareness is the idea of using the problem to solve the problem. Using the device to create the awareness on the addiction towards the audience because it is similar to the thing that you are addicted to is telling you that you are addicted.

Step 5:
Types of Data: A mixture of qualitative and quantitative data
Step 6:
Data Instruments:
  • Survey - A record of data based on answers given to the target audience on question provided by the organizer. This instrument collects the opinions and answers given from the target audience for a more firsthand data
  • Observation – A method of watching someone or something carefully to gather data or information.
  • Interview – A meeting between 2 or more people that consist of consultation

6.4 Research Procedures, Steps and Process

Step 7: 


Anon., 2012. Texting While Walking Accidents. [Online] 

Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl0JojWH1rQ
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Anon., n.d. What is Addiction?. [Online] 

Available at: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/addiction
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Anon., n.d. What makes Graphic Design important?. [Online] 

Available at: http://thinkchrysalis.com/blog/graphic-design/what-makes-graphic-design-important/
[Accessed 19 September 2015].

Brenoff, A., 2015. Dear Smartphone, I'm Breaking Up With You. [Online] 

Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/my-break-up-letter-to-the-internet_55e9c8f7e4b093be51bb5755
[Accessed 30 September 2015].

Chen, H., 2015. Asia's Smartphone Addiction. [Online] 

Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33130567
[Accessed 22 September 2015].

Hawkyard, J., n.d. What is Graphic Design?. [Online] 

Available at: https://www.treefrog.ca/what-is-graphic-design
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Kuchikomi, 2013. Distracted smartphone "addicts" at greater risk of mishaps. [Online] 

Available at: http://www.japantoday.com/kuchikomi/view/distracted-smartphone-addicts-at-greater-risk-of-mishaps
[Accessed 23 September 2015].

Look Up. 2014. [Film] Directed by Gary Turk. British: Gary Turk.