18 December 2013

(Task 2) 12 Principles of Animation

(Task 2) 12 Principles of Animation

In animation there are 12 principles that cannot be ignored, and in all animation these 12 principles are used and followed to create the best animation.

Squash and Stretch

The first and very basics of all principles, squash and stretch tells the audience that all object gets stretch when traversing through the air or ground and gets squash when hit by an object or intercepted. The process is so fast a naked eye is unable to see this phenomenon.


Anticipation is the process or pose of a person or character before doing something else. Anticipation help audience identify what the character is going to do next before the action occurs. For example, before a character jump he squats down before launching himself up in the air.


Staging here refers to the same principle as staging in theater, its the background which helps the animation feels more alive than just a drawing

Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose

Straight ahead animation are animation movement done frame by frame, the create a very smooth and clean movement but very large file and time consuming. Pose to Pose however is the opposite, pose to pose as it's name suggested are animation movement created by moving from one pose to another pose. Our eyes takes the first pose and then the second pose then our brain will fill in the empty poses in the middle automatically, this process is much less time consuming but the animation will be less smooth in terms of frame rates.

Follow Through and Overlapping Action

 Follow through are actions or movement that follows the first or primary action but they do not have the same force or friction or purpose as the first one, they are just following along if the primary action stops, the follow through action might stop together or might not, they are not affected by the primary action. Overlapping Actions are actions that moves together with the primary action but at a different rate or time frame than the primary action, for example an arm does not move in the same pattern as the head.

Slow in - Slow out

Slow in Slow out animation defines the physics of the animation world because it is use to refer to the frictional force of animation. In real life a car will moves slowly accelerating it's speed before moving very fast, in animation the same principles is used. a pendulum will start to drop slowly and then moves very fast towards the center and up it goes starts to slow down as it moves away from the center.


Arc are lines that we do not see in animation but its there to make life to a character. All natural beings moves in a arc trajectory like the arms or limbs, even a thrown object with the exception of mechanical lifeforms where they moves in a straight line instead of an arc

Secondary Action

Secondary actions are action that happens because of the primary action, they do not affect the primary action but secondary action exist to support the primary action to add in life into it. For example, a moving person is walking with his feet at the same time the arms are also flinging together this adds in the natural feel into the character.


Timing for animation helps to tell a story when used at the right moment or to help make the animation more realistic by adjusting the timing of the frames


Exaggeration is a useful tool in animation especially cartoons or animation that doesn't reflects reality. This principles helps to create a situation and boosting its effect by applying exaggeration.

Solid Drawing

Solid drawing gives a character weight and volume. Solid drawing is mostly used to give the character a 3D effect.


Appeal is used on cartoon characters to create a charismatic feel, to make a character interesting and appealing  

16 December 2013

Final Animation (Animation)

This is the final animation that I have done for my semester 1 of degree level 1

11 December 2013

(Task 5) Field Trip to Little India

(TASK 5) Field Trip

On the 9th of October we went on a small trip to Little India in Brickfields, KL. There we were given task to complete in groups where we have to take pictures of a theme and our theme was "Togetherness". Together with groupmate Gurmesh and Jasmine, along with 2 more friends, Chuu and Farhan we went on a stroll along the sidewalks and enjoyed the trip filled with colours.

After the trip was finished we created a short powerpoint of a few selected pictures we took to show the class of what kind of pictures we took and explain why we took these pictures

This is the starting of the slideshow, with the introduction speech

The first topic was plants, as plants are always seen together instead of just a stem alone

Friends, when together we are never alone

The United theme where people are being together to show togetherness between each other

The chemical between best friends are never out of togetherness

Family is the strongest among the rest of the togetherness theme

9 December 2013

Self Appraisal (Study Skills)

In this semester I have been studying 3 subjects, Animation, Graphic Design and Study Skills. Among the 3 subjects animation is my major. In these subjects I have learn many things that I didn’t before such as the elements and principles of design. Through animation I learned the 12 principles of animation, stop motion, rotoscoping method and many more, graphic design I learn how to make infographics and installation art which is a combination of daily objects that we see and use with art and through them send a message to audience, study skills I learn the points and method of doing research or writing a proposal in a more proper way.
In the recent semester, my most significant achievement is completing my animation task up to number 5 in just 6 weeks rather than 10 weeks. Completing task before the expected date was an achievement that felt good and rather satisfying. Other than that achievement, there were others such as completing task faster than anybody else in my class.
These achievements are important because it is a form of motivation for me to keep going at this pace with other tasks. To get the achievement stated, one must have the passion and determination to do it, to know what must be done and what not to be done, one must know what he/she is doing and how to do it.
One must not stray away from current goal for one to achieve greatness, the conduct that I use to get the achievements I stated before. When doing a task or an assignment one should not be easily distracted by other things such as entertainment. While doing I set a current goal before starting a task and to finish that task first before continuing anything else, for example if I have set my goal to finish up to task 3 I will do until task 3 before doing anything else for other stuff
The challenges that I faced in this semester is having group members of different background and nationality, the different languages we speak becomes our biggest problem to face. Language is not the only challenges, but different ideas and thinking is also a challenge. We had to complete our ideas and make what is best out of it, brainstorming.

Understanding is what is needed within a group to achieve greatness, as teamwork will be affected if no understanding is achieved. To understand and accept the difference in thinking and way of doing things for each other, and knowing what is the weakness in you and improve in that particular aspect in the next semester to become a better groupmate. 

8 December 2013

Rotoscoping Animation Video (Animation)

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Chapter Review (Animation)


The book tells the history of animation in the beginning, how it started, when it started, why it started. Animation was created long ago during the few first civilization where paintings were painted in pillar and walls. The book tells me a lot of things as in who were the few first people who created animation and who were the ones who made it big like Walt Disney. It tells the reader what is animation and what it is made of, animation is a bunch of simple things grouped together to create something awesome.

Many artists tried to animate and animation is tough and time consuming, very time consuming so why do they do it? Because painting has reached a time where it is in its prime and now something new and fresh will arise to take over what is left and start a new era, an era of moving pictures called animation. Animation is interesting to artist because to them it as if their paintings or drawings are coming to life and moves and to them is a grand achievement. 

Movie Review (Animation)

Movie Review

 The Ambition of Oda Nobuna
The series portrays the life of Yoshiharu Sagara, a boy from the future which was somehow transferred to the Warring State Period of Edo Japan. There he encountered a daimyo/general of Japan which he adores the most Oda Nobunaga, however the general instead of being the powerful and wise man he knows it turns out to be a girl named Oda Nobuna. Yoshiharu then using the knowledge he knows from history and the game that he plays help Oda Nobuna to conquer and unite Japan.

In the series there are numerous characters but there are few characters that stand out from the rest for me. First one is Oda Nobuna the main character of the series, she is a girl that tries her best to show a strong and firm figure in front of her retainers to keep everyone from worrying but deep inside she is just a normal girl who need someone to lean on, this is the reason why she stands out. Among all the female characters she is portrayed as the most beautiful of them all and most innocent.

The second character is Niwa Nagahide, the tactician of Oda Nobuna. An elegant beauty who speaks wisely and helps in strategy for war, at first look she gives the all brains and no brawl look that she can’t fight however that changed after a few episode when she took part in a battle a girl who can strategize and fight now that’s a winner. Instead of a naïve and innocent look, she gives out the face of a person that knows what she/he is doing.

I liked the series because it deals with the Warring State Period of Japan a historical period that I love very much. Seeing the characters I know from history in movies give me a satisfactory feeling. Plus the series is entertaining its funny and emotional it touches the feelings of a human

Movie Review

Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online is a series where humans are able to send their will and conscience into a virtual world or game. SAO tell where a genius programmer created a game known as Sword Art Online and released it into the world to 10,000 players to beta test it and then entrap them in the world unable to logout or go back into their real bodies until they defeat the entire game itself. Then a player known as Kirito who played the game before it was released met a few friends and made his way up to defeat the programmer who was hiding as a player the whole time.

Yukki Asuna the lead female of the series, a strong and cheerful lady that you will regret if you make her angry kind of girl. Asuna became many boy’s dream girl when the series was released, a kind hearted girl yet stands strong and firm when faced with difficulties, however how strong she may be she is still a girl there are time where you would feel that you could just jump in a save her when watching the series. 

Character Design (Animation)


 First Design

 Second Design

Third Design

Fourth Design (Selected)

7 December 2013


Bouncing Ball Animation


Bouncing Ball with Tail

Poncho Animation

2 December 2013

30 October 2013

Group Strength and Weaknesses (Study Skills)

Group mates:    Jason Chin
                        Jasmine Chin
                        Tozy Huang


Jason Chin:      
-           Oldest of the group more experience
            -           Idea generative

Jasmine Chin:
-           Fresh idea generation
            -           Good in essay writing (report writing)

Tozy Huang:
-           Follows instruction


Jason Chin:      
-           Easily distracted
            -           Not much of a team person

Jasmine Chin:
-           Lack of knowledge
            -           Simplify thinking

Tozy Huang:
-           Weak english understanding
-           Blur (not knowing what is going on most of the time)

Roles and Function

Jason Chin – Leader
   Idea generation

Jasmine Chin
                        Name Card
                        Group Name
                        Material management

Tozy Huang
   Group Logo

    Material collecting

23 October 2013

Installation Artist Research (Graphic Design)

Benjamin Verdonck (Installation Artist)
Born in 1972, Verdonck is an actor, writer, visual artist and theatre-maker. Most of his works are staged in a regular auditorium or public space. He studied at Antwerp Conservatory for Drama in 1992 then worked as an actor for Lucas Vandervost, Ivo van Hove, Johan Simons/Paul Koek and HETPALEIS. Verdonck then later worked collaborating with Dood Paard, De Roovers, Walpurgis, Dito’Dito and Lampe.

In 2009, Verdonck launched CALENDAR an action cycle which was located in Antwerp as the centre of his artistic practice for a whole year. In 2011 Benjamin Verdonck also created a new work called DISISIT, a show which is said to be fascinating from start to the very end.

One of his most famous artworks is the Great Swallow Nest which was created 32 metres above ground in the heart of the city. It was installed at the side of the Rotterdam Weena Tower in Rotterdam on May 16th – 22nd 2008.


Free People BROOKLYN. (2009) Benjamin Verdonck’s “The Great Swallow”; Nest Rotterdam. [Online]. Available from: http://wethefreebrooklyn.wordpress.com/2009/10/03/benjamin-verdoncks-the-great-swallow-nest-rotterdam/ [Accessed 22nd October 2013]. 

Toneelhuis. (2012) Benjamin Verdonck, Detailed Biography. Antwerp; [Online]. Available from: http://www.toneelhuis.be/#!/en/readmodus/post/?id=3184 [Accessed 22nd October 2013].

Havel Rucks Project
Dan Havel and Dean Rucks is an artist collaboration that does public environment and no value architectural structures into work of art. By reforming the space and places, their invention/innovation brings attention to those boring and unappreciated building of history into interesting structures. Beginning informally in 1994 with another artist Kate Petley, the duo then reunite again for another project in 2004 for the Inversion and Apt. project in 2008 the duo created another work Scatter Boats and a few more “trespass” works. In 2009 they officially formed Havel and Rucks Projects, in the same year 2009 they also executed a project called Give and Take as a part of a show in Contemporary Art Museum, Houston.


Andrew, L. (2007) Tunnel House Art Installation. [Online]. Available from: http://www.ohgizmo.com/2007/06/25/tunnel-house-art-installation/ [Accessed 24th October 2013].

Dean Ruck. Havel Rucks Projects. [Online], Available from: http://deanruck.com/havel-ruck-projects [Accessed 24th October 2013].

16 October 2013

Infographics A1 size (Graphic Design)

After the research and sample that we have done before, we are required to combine the 2 infographics and make it into a A1 size infographic containing both elements and principles of design

5 October 2013

Infographics (Graphic Design)

These are the examples of infographics


The Infographic above is about the elements of design

The Infographic above is about the Principles of Design