8 December 2013

Movie Review (Animation)

Movie Review

 The Ambition of Oda Nobuna
The series portrays the life of Yoshiharu Sagara, a boy from the future which was somehow transferred to the Warring State Period of Edo Japan. There he encountered a daimyo/general of Japan which he adores the most Oda Nobunaga, however the general instead of being the powerful and wise man he knows it turns out to be a girl named Oda Nobuna. Yoshiharu then using the knowledge he knows from history and the game that he plays help Oda Nobuna to conquer and unite Japan.

In the series there are numerous characters but there are few characters that stand out from the rest for me. First one is Oda Nobuna the main character of the series, she is a girl that tries her best to show a strong and firm figure in front of her retainers to keep everyone from worrying but deep inside she is just a normal girl who need someone to lean on, this is the reason why she stands out. Among all the female characters she is portrayed as the most beautiful of them all and most innocent.

The second character is Niwa Nagahide, the tactician of Oda Nobuna. An elegant beauty who speaks wisely and helps in strategy for war, at first look she gives the all brains and no brawl look that she can’t fight however that changed after a few episode when she took part in a battle a girl who can strategize and fight now that’s a winner. Instead of a naïve and innocent look, she gives out the face of a person that knows what she/he is doing.

I liked the series because it deals with the Warring State Period of Japan a historical period that I love very much. Seeing the characters I know from history in movies give me a satisfactory feeling. Plus the series is entertaining its funny and emotional it touches the feelings of a human

Movie Review

Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online is a series where humans are able to send their will and conscience into a virtual world or game. SAO tell where a genius programmer created a game known as Sword Art Online and released it into the world to 10,000 players to beta test it and then entrap them in the world unable to logout or go back into their real bodies until they defeat the entire game itself. Then a player known as Kirito who played the game before it was released met a few friends and made his way up to defeat the programmer who was hiding as a player the whole time.

Yukki Asuna the lead female of the series, a strong and cheerful lady that you will regret if you make her angry kind of girl. Asuna became many boy’s dream girl when the series was released, a kind hearted girl yet stands strong and firm when faced with difficulties, however how strong she may be she is still a girl there are time where you would feel that you could just jump in a save her when watching the series. 

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