9 December 2013

Self Appraisal (Study Skills)

In this semester I have been studying 3 subjects, Animation, Graphic Design and Study Skills. Among the 3 subjects animation is my major. In these subjects I have learn many things that I didn’t before such as the elements and principles of design. Through animation I learned the 12 principles of animation, stop motion, rotoscoping method and many more, graphic design I learn how to make infographics and installation art which is a combination of daily objects that we see and use with art and through them send a message to audience, study skills I learn the points and method of doing research or writing a proposal in a more proper way.
In the recent semester, my most significant achievement is completing my animation task up to number 5 in just 6 weeks rather than 10 weeks. Completing task before the expected date was an achievement that felt good and rather satisfying. Other than that achievement, there were others such as completing task faster than anybody else in my class.
These achievements are important because it is a form of motivation for me to keep going at this pace with other tasks. To get the achievement stated, one must have the passion and determination to do it, to know what must be done and what not to be done, one must know what he/she is doing and how to do it.
One must not stray away from current goal for one to achieve greatness, the conduct that I use to get the achievements I stated before. When doing a task or an assignment one should not be easily distracted by other things such as entertainment. While doing I set a current goal before starting a task and to finish that task first before continuing anything else, for example if I have set my goal to finish up to task 3 I will do until task 3 before doing anything else for other stuff
The challenges that I faced in this semester is having group members of different background and nationality, the different languages we speak becomes our biggest problem to face. Language is not the only challenges, but different ideas and thinking is also a challenge. We had to complete our ideas and make what is best out of it, brainstorming.

Understanding is what is needed within a group to achieve greatness, as teamwork will be affected if no understanding is achieved. To understand and accept the difference in thinking and way of doing things for each other, and knowing what is the weakness in you and improve in that particular aspect in the next semester to become a better groupmate. 

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