30 October 2013

Group Strength and Weaknesses (Study Skills)

Group mates:    Jason Chin
                        Jasmine Chin
                        Tozy Huang


Jason Chin:      
-           Oldest of the group more experience
            -           Idea generative

Jasmine Chin:
-           Fresh idea generation
            -           Good in essay writing (report writing)

Tozy Huang:
-           Follows instruction


Jason Chin:      
-           Easily distracted
            -           Not much of a team person

Jasmine Chin:
-           Lack of knowledge
            -           Simplify thinking

Tozy Huang:
-           Weak english understanding
-           Blur (not knowing what is going on most of the time)

Roles and Function

Jason Chin – Leader
   Idea generation

Jasmine Chin
                        Name Card
                        Group Name
                        Material management

Tozy Huang
   Group Logo

    Material collecting

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