29 February 2016

Spectrum of Colours (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Spectrum of Colours (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

A spectrum is a range over some measurable property for example sound, mass and even colours. Issac Newton used spectrum as a division of colours in his colour wheel: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

We were required to take a few pictures of a colour spectrum. 

How a white ceiling turned yellow when a light covered in a yellow frame shines

Different intensity of light source may change the colour of an object, in the picture above the tree leaves are green but when exposed to a strong light source like the sun the colour changes.

When a strong light source is exposed towards the perception's point of view, colours of the objects may seem brighter than it's original colour and can be seen to be almost white entirely.

28 February 2016

Discussion (Advanced Professional Practices)

Discussion (Advanced Professional Practices)

After multiple discussions with the module leaders, today 26th of February have settled in on various things on the exhibition planning.

The name of the exhibition

First is the name of the exhibition "Expo5ed" with a tagline (with 4lowers). The meaning behind this is that the main graduates are 5 members plus with the theme of the exhibition which is 'Technology' in which we derive the word exposed as to exposing ourselves to a new experience, exposing to new learning and expose as in expressing ourselves. All that combined comes "Expo5ed". In addition to the 5 main graduates there are 4 other Part 1 students which are also going to be joining the graduates for the exhibition as well. "4lowers" which is another way of saying 'followers' indicates that instead of just 5 of the main graduates there are also 4 post graduates that are following along for the journey. It can also be used for others like the lecturers and module leaders that will be there for the exhibition and also the visitors that come to the exhibition as they are following us for the journey.

Technology theme

Because of the final products of the 5 main graduates are somewhat related to technological involvement such as websites, application for mobile devices and conceptual video, we choose technology as the theme. 

Additional ideas

In addition to the exhibition preparations, the committee also suggested to have a T-shirt design for each of the members involved each group with a different design to differentiate the members from committee, main graduates, post graduates and lecturers.

For a gift or merchandising, we also suggested to have card prints with a function during the exhibition and also T-shirt sales. 

Date and Location

It is confirmed that the exhibition will be on the 13th to 15th of May during the assessment week and the location is to be in Publika.

26 February 2016

Image Analysis Idea (Animation 3 Part 2)

Image Analysis Idea (Animation 3 Part 2)

Based on the previous images analysis a few ideas is generated influenced by the images. Here are 3 ideas:

  1. To inform people about smartphone addiction and the dangers of the addiction to society.
  2. To show the people what is really happening in reality about smartphone addiction from a different standpoint.
  3. To create an awareness about the smartphone addiction to those who are affected and those around them.

24 February 2016

Project Sketch (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Project Sketch (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

The project is an application with multiple pages of functionality Home where the users sees the objective of the day and the time remaining to completion, Gallery where users can see the pictures that other users has submitted and double tap to like the picture (like a vote) if the picture is what the user thinks is creative with the objective. Camera where the users will use to snap a picture to answer the objective. Friend a page that connects to social media like Facebook to see the friends who are playing and whether they have submitted a photo or not and what kind of photo they have submitted. Trophy a page that records the numbers of wins, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up that the user has collected from the beginning to the current time (kinda like a trophy room but digitally)

The image below are the navigation of the app from a page to another

Image 1

Here are the AI versions of the navigation:

This is the 5 main pages and the paths, each page is interconnecting

Navigation 1

Each of the pages can go forth and back using the layout at the bottom 

Navigation 2

In Navigation 1 all the other pages are connected with the Home page here each of the other pages can move to the other as well with the exception of the Camera page. The other pages can access the Camera page but from the Camera page the user can only go back to Home

Navigation 3

Continued from the previous statement 

22 February 2016

Infographic Image Analysis (Animation 3 Part 2)

Infographic Image Analysis (Animation 3 Part 2)

Image 1

Image 2

Project Name (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Project Name (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

  1. ShareADay
  2. Take A Pic
  3. PostIt
  4. Whats Your Day
  5. 1 Pic 1 Day (IPID)
  6. CreateAPic
  7. ShareAPic
  8. PhotoDay
  9. Sharestgram
  10. PhotoPict

Typography Research (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Typography Research (Graphic Design 3 Part 2)

Because the final project will be using lots of typography an understanding of typography must be done.

What is Typography?

It is a visual component that is compose of written word that conveys a message to viewers which makes it a very important aspect to select/use a proper and suitable typeface (the form of the typography). Typography has changed throughout the times when it used to be on metal plates rather than a drop-down menu with funny names. While the methods of using typography has changed in a big way the process of selecting one has never improve much, it is still difficult and complicated as the old days.

There are many types of font typefaces from Old English, Blackletter to Arial and Lucida but the main point of typography is 4 basic categories:
  • Serif: have the little dash or hook at the end of each alphabet, they are used for more traditional or more formal stuff.
  • San Serif: the opposite of Serif, San Serif (No-Serif), where there are none of the hook or dash at the end of the alphabet. Because of this the typeface is often understood as modern looking and streamlined from Serif. However it can be debated that Serif in a long paragraph text is easier to navigate and easier to read but the nature of Serif's alphabet is thin and small it is harder to see when displayed on a pixel based screens therefore web-designers like to use San-Serif for web based contents especially when dealing with small texts.

  • Scripts: are handwriting looking typefaces often with connecting lines. There are often fun looking and very hand drawn rather than digitally made. 

  • Decorative/Display: these typefaces are of one purpose to entertain or to look fancy but they serve the same function as any other typefaces does. As the name 'decorative' implies these typefaces main objective is to get attention and should only be used in small portions as they are more unique than practical.

Source: https://designschool.canva.com/font-design/

Why Typography is important?

Fig.1: Two different typography, source from: http://practicaltypography.com/what-is-typography.html

The above image is two different typography on a signboard. While it written with the same context the delivery is very different for both typography that is because the art style. Typography is an art as much as photography is an art, typography and photography is different in their form of artwork but they both the same in form of functionality. 

Typography in Motion

Choosing a typography that works well in motion is very important when the page or artwork that you are viewing is dynamic and moving. Due to the project that currently working on, a typeface that works well in motion is a much because the audience will be looking at the typeface on a mobile phone with dynamic and interactive functionalities.

One key feature of typography in motion is the legibility, the ability for readers to understand and comprehend the message in the written form. Good typography leads the viewers in the direction that they were suppose to be, bad typography makes viewers go lost in transition. Many factors are taken in to make a good typography, typeface, font size, colours and spacing are all part of the equation to a good typography. 

An example of a good typography in motion also known as  (Kinetic Typography)

19 February 2016

Idea Generation (Graphics Design 3 Part 2)

Idea Generation (Graphics Design 3 Part 2)

Initial idea development based on Thesis is an application on the mobile that is similar to instagram but with a few features that differentiate between both.

(reference - instagram)

The idea runs on the focus on making the audience/users to interact with people while using their mobile devices instead of being alone or staying in one place.

Using mechanics similar to games where the player is given an objective to complete or achieve the objectives given are more focus on human interaction with each other. For example:

"Hanging out with friends"
"Spending time with mom"
"Outdoor activities with someone special"

Each of these objectives are given 23 hours to complete upon release and the 1 hour is to compile the submission by the users to select the winner, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up of the day. How the objectives is perceived is entirely up the user to interpret. The focus here is to let the users determine what they think is the appropriate answer to the objective using their creativity and knowledge of their own. There is no right and wrong just how would the user answer to the objective, this also emphasis on the creativity of the users on how do they create a great photo that completes the objectives.

For example: "Staying healthy" is the objective, the users will have to take a picture that they think fits the objective description in their own context as creatively as possible. It could be a picture of the user jogging in a park, or working out in a gym or with some friends, playing some ball games and etc.

Project Gantt Chart

18 February 2016

Image Analysis (Animation 3 Part 2)

Image Analysis (Animation 3 Part 2)

Smartphone Addiction - metaphor analysis

Smartphone Zombies - created by Steve Cutts

The image shows that the device is turning us into zombie like creatures like those in the movies just that we don't go around and bite people.

The colour theme is very depressing to fit the post-apocalyptic theme that the image using cold colours and dark tone.

The art style is horrific to emphasis on the zombie apocalyptic feeling. Dark and scary looking humans, the difference between the normal zombie and smartphone zombies is that smartphone zombies has no rotting flesh or bloods but they both produce the same horror feeling.

The focus is on the humans

And the smartphone which is the subject matter

The outcome which is the us the human turning into zombies that is bind to the smartphones. The smartphones is the virus = the issue.

Tied To Smartphone - created by Steve Cutts

Colour theme is similar to the previous artwork because of the theme and it was created by the same artist.

This creates the metaphor that we humans are being controlled by the devices instead of the other way around. The art style creates a kind of feeling that even it doesn't look very real it still gives out the real emotion and message. 

This was the original context in the image where the humans are shown as the superior authority but the real message it that behind us humans there is another authority.

Here the image shows that the smartphone are now in control of us the humans expressing how much we are relying on the technology.

The subject matter of the image.

Smartphone Tied to Hand

The smartphone is seen trying to grab the hand of the user as if like a parasite wanting a host body. This is the simple design and image that points out the device addiction issue that we can't let go of the device that it is tied to our hands.

Rainbow Colour (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Rainbow Colour (Colour Design in 2 & 3 Dimension)

Rainbow colours:

  1. Red
  2. Orange
  3. Yellow
  4. Green
  5. Blue
  6. Indigo
  7. Violet

For the first task I am required to prove a statement made by Carl Jung, a colour psychologist by showing images to confirm of such phenomenon. His statement is as of follows:

Lights and colour can influence how people perceive the area around them. Different light sources affect how the colours of walls and other objects are seen. Specific hues of colours seen under natural sunlight may vary when seen under the light from an incandescent (tungsten) light-bulb: lighter colours may appear to be more orange or "brownish" and darker colours may appear even darker. Light and the colour of an object can affect how one perceives its positioning. If light or shadow, or the colour of the object, masks an object's true contour (outline of a figure) it can appear to be shaped differently from reality. Objects under a uniform light-source will promote better impression of a three-dimensional shape. The colour of an object may affect whether or not it seems to be in motion. In particular, the trajectories of objects under a light source whose intensify varies with space are more difficult to determine than identical objects under a uniform light source. This could possibly be interpreted as interference between motion and colour perception, both of which are more difficult under variable lighting. 

Specific hues of colours seen under natural sunlight may vary when seen under the light from an incandescent (tungsten) light-bulb: lighter colours may appear to be more orange or "brownish" and darker colours may appear even darker.


The picture above shows 2 variation of an image that is taken with 2 different settings the one on the left is taken using a tungsten light source and the one on the right is taken using the natural sunlight that is emitted from a nearby window. As the image indicates the colour under the effect of a tungsten light bulb is slightly yellowish while the one under natural sunlight has a more clear colour tone.

Light and the colour of an object can affect how one perceives its positioning


This statement says that lights and colours affect how the eyes sees an object's positioning (front or back). Depending the the tone of the light on a particular object's surface, the human brain can perceive the positioning or the direction the object is facing. The closer the object is towards the light source the tone of the colours are much brighter than those which are further. 

If light or shadow, or the colour of the object, masks an object's true contour (outline of a figure) it can appear to be shaped differently from reality



Contour drawing only draws out the outline of a certain figure creating a image. When colour is used for this the object will looks disoriented (figure 3).

Objects under a uniform light-source will promote better impression of a three-dimensional shape


A uniform light source is able to print a static shadow therefore allows the eyes to accurately pinpoint the edges of the object, the height of the object using the shadow and the surface of the object by the tone of the colour on the object.

The colour of an object may affect whether or not it seems to be in motion.



When an object is in motion the colour of the object starts to create a kind of blurry effect also known as motion blur. That blur effect only exist if the object is moving extremely quick or a camera with a slow settings.

In particular, the trajectories of objects under a light source whose intensify varies with space are more difficult to determine than identical objects under a uniform light source. This could possibly be interpreted as interference between motion and colour perception, both of which are more difficult under variable lighting. 


Similar objects becomes different when they are in motion due to the "interference between motion and colour perception" where when one object is moving under a light source the tone and shadow changes with the positioning of the object changes how the eyes interpret the object shape and colour with an identical object.