3 December 2015

Proposal (Animation 3 Part 1)

Proposal (Animation 3 Part 1)

1.0 Introduction

This is a proposal for the campaign project for the Handheld Device Addiction. The researcher choose the issue of handheld device addiction or also known as smartphone addiction and the target audience is teenagers. The issues states that teenagers are spending way too much time facing their phones even when they are on an outing with friends or family (Heather Chen, 2015).

Design is a language that has no barrier, any race or religion can understand the design language. Design in other term is used as visual communication, which is communication through visual means. How the message is being sent though depends on the receiving end of the communication as each person has a different take on the certain visual image. However a good design will always send the correct message to whoever is looking at it. In this project, the design language will be to send the message to the audience without being too direct. Design in terms of theme or concept will help the target audience understand what they will be expecting from the project and also who is the project is for. Visual communication is important in every project as it is the only thing that help the designer talk to the target audience without him/her being there.

The idea is to create a movement called #shareaday on instagram and other social media websites that allows the teenagers to participate in an activity that uses both their phones and human interactivity. This proposal is to create an animation that supports the movement for the campaign by creating an advert type motion graphics that introduces and explain the campaign to the people. The main objective of the animation will be to tell people of the campaign, what is it about? How do they participate? What do they need to do? All of these question are to be answered in the motion graphics itself.

2.0 Aims and Objectives
Aim: To introduce the campaign to the target audience using advert motion graphics


1.      To research about handheld device addiction and animation technique

2.      To analyze handheld device addiction on teenagers and animation technique to use in this campaign

3.      To apply handheld device addiction on teenagers into animation to give people an awareness

3.0 Methods
3.1 Research
In order to make the animation, one have to understand the animation issue which is handheld device addiction. Therefore a research must be conducted on the keywords handheld devices and addiction.

What is Smartphone?
A smartphone is a cellular phone with a computer integrated within and have features that originally was not included in a cellphone such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications on the cellphone (R. Margaret, 2007).

What is Addiction?
It is defined as having no control over the actions like doing, consuming or using to the point where it becomes harmful to you. Addiction can occur in many forms like alcohol, gambling even working and shopping. When not able to get the addicted subject a form of withdrawal syndrome on the addicted person making him feeling uneasy (NHS, 2015). Habits can turn into addiction without the person noticing as there is a slight difference between habit and addiction, habit is done by choice and can be stopped at any time if the person chooses to, and addiction on the other hand is consist of psychological and physical component, the person under the effect of addiction is unable to control their action towards the object of addiction (N. Christion, 2009).

Asia’s smartphone addiction
A writer in BBC by name of Heather Chen wrote on an article on Asia’s smartphone addiction. In about 1000 students in South Korea were tested in a survey, out of 72% of them were aged 11-12 and owns a smartphone. They spend an average of 5.4 hours on them daily and were considered to be addicted to the device. The study were said to be later revealed in 2016 and also stress is an important factor that increases the chance of one getting addicted (C. Heather, 2015)

Texting While Walking Accident (Video)
ABC News did a report in 2012 for people that are walking with their face or eyes on something else which results in accidents where people bump on each other or worst vehicles. It made a town in the US wanted to enforce a law that will fine people for walking on the streets with their phones in the hand under Jaywalking. A survey was testing by Western Washington University where they send a clown into the campus and only ¼ of the students walking noticed the clown (ABC News, 2012)

Look Up (Video)

A filmmaker by the name Gary Turk who launched a viral video called “Look Up”. In the video he show and state the issue that is going on but no one seems to notice which is how much we have become a loner with all the social networking and instant messaging. How we all think we have 450 friends on Facebook but not more than 30 have we actually met. How we stopped going out to play in the play with other kids but now stay home watching or playing an iPad, how even a family sits together in the living room but not one word is uttered among them. He showed the effect of handheld devices has done to us in a 4:59 video. In the end, he ask us to put down our phone and live life the right way. (T. Gary, 2014)

3.2 Experimentation
Before the selection on concepts and themes, I have to do an experimentation on animation techniques to use in the animation itself. These experimentation is to have a general idea on how to execute the techniques and see if it is applicable in the animation for the final project.

3.2.1 Cut Out experimentation
The first experimentation is using paper cut outs, however instead of using the traditional way I used a digital method of that technique. A famous animation uses this technique as well “South Park” 

Initial sketch of the cut out experiment of the character design, which then was scanned into digital form and cut into pieces using Adobe Photoshop. And import into Adobe After-Effect and animated from there.


3.2.2 Flash 2D experimentation
The next experimentation is 2D animation using Flash program which is done frame by frame unlike the cut out experimentation where the parts are move post to post through time frames.




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