3 December 2015

Design Sketch (Graphics Design 3 Part 1)

Design Sketch (Graphics Design 3 Part 1)

To provide a overview of the project, a design sketch of the website is needed to give an impression of how the final design is going to look like and also get feedback from the module leader and lecturers for fine tuning and improvements as the project gets carried on.


Home page consist of photos and videos that is most recently submitted by participants and also serves like a cover page of a proposal. From here the participants can move the photo in the middle like a roller and also their Instagram account is also listed below the photo for those who wants to follow him/her and make a friend. Also the tabs above allows them to move to other pages like Submit page, Gallery page, Contact Us page and About page.


The submit page allows the participants to submit the final photo or video that they wanted to use for the day. They could use the # system of Instagram but they could use that and submit multiple photos or videos so in order to make sure that everyone gets the same chance they are only allowed to use 1 photo or video for the submission of the objective of the day. 


In the Gallery page they can view all the photos and videos that has been submitted to the campaign/objective of the day. Viewers will begin by looking at a grid formation of photos and thumbnails of videos they can have a closer look when they click on it.

When clicked the background is darken and the photo that is selected will be zoomed in and centered on screen with details of the submitter and a like button which can be clicked if the viewer likes the photo. There are no limitation to how many times a viewer can like but it is limited one like per photo or video. This way the project does not limit the freedom of the viewer to express their opinion. 


The Contact Us page has a brief explanation about the person who organized the campaign project and a summary of the personal information like the background of education, name, age, and etc. Other than that is a list of links that will direct people to certain sites like Facebook, Twitter and such to contact the organizer about certain issues. 


In the About page, is where the explanation of the campaign project is. Here the viewers and participants can read about what this campaign is actually about and what is it trying to achieve. What is the purpose of the campaign and what is the main goal of the organizer, which is to make the teenagers the participant uses the time on the mobile phone more efficiently. The project also wishes more teenagers would accompany friends and family especially the parents more rather than they just look down on the phone all the time even during meet ups. 

This is a draft version, the colours, fonts and design is not final and would be changed in the final design this is just a guideline design.

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