8 June 2015

Case Study

Case Study

Today 8th of June 2015 after the briefing is done with the class I suggested to the class for a study on a particular video/music video from Japan called Me!Me!Me!

It is a music video with very explicit content that makes most of the people turn heads but I feel that the video itself and the content is very meaningful and beautiful.

The music video was created by Teddyloid, a Japanese electric dance musician featuring daoko which is the singer. The music video produces a negative effect on viewers as most people turn away from because of the nudity but as a designer we cannot limit ourselves to those kind of limitation as we have to be open minded in all aspect. The first impression on video is mostly people would link it to pornography and anime (Hentai) but that is not the case for the music video.

The actual content of the music video is that it is a criticism of the "otaku" lifestyle in Japan. For those who don't know what an "otaku" is, it is basically a man that has no social life and lives off the internet and has serious addiction to video games and pornography and stuffs like that. The song begins by showing the fantasy part of the imaginative world then when the music changed the dark part of that lifestyle comes into play where the real content is about as the addiction (the girls) starts to eat away his life and destroys him slowly.

In the second part of the song, he is reminded by the fact that he had a life, a girlfriend that he threw away for his addiction and come to realize that whatever he is doing is killing him (the part where she kissed him). After realizing that he wants that life back and starts to fight the addiction (the FPS shooting the girls) killing his addiction in effort to break free from the addiction.

But in all his effort his addiction won, the internet, video games, animes all took over his life again and he lost. The ending of the video is exactly the same as the beginning meaning that he is going through that same circle again.

The song is also in context with the music video as the song is sung in the girl's perspective and in the end where the guy's head is severed a girl's voice is heard saying "Sayonara" (Goodbye) meaning that the girl has finally given up of him.

This music video has not many design element used but the way they portrayed that message through the video is interesting even though disturbing.  

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