29 June 2015

Digital Video Production (Footage Compilation)

Digital Video Production (Footage Compilation)

After getting all the footages we compile the videos into a single video with the music as the background

Digital Video Production (Footage Capturing)

Digital Video Production (Footage Capturing)

After we have tried the abstract creating in Digital Storyboarding we moved on the capturing videos for the task based on the mood of the storyboard we created

Based on this we have to capture a motion picture that describes the mood in the frame

10 June 2015

Writing for Designers (Script Writing)

Writing for Designers (Script Writing) 

Victorian Secret

Set in the Victorian Era, a detective named Maximilan Jones has been an average man that lived his life normally until one day his wife Isabella Jones went missing without a trace as if she vanished. Isabella is a fortune teller that work in downtown and has no problem in her life and they lived happily, Max didn’t know what to do as there are no clue at all where she went and where to look for her.

Max began to break down and feeling depressed most of his days spending his time mostly in the house or his office, drinking and constantly stare into space trying to figure out the reason behind her disappearance. The more he thinks about it, the more it doesn’t make sense as there were no ransom or any sign of break in at their house it was illogical as how she disappeared. He then starts to be sober and went looking for her.

Starting at the last place he saw her, the house where she left her belongings and items. There stood a dusty gramophone that she brought in when they were married, Max has always wondered how the gramophone looks so old but still works as he has seen her listening to it as he went off to work. He then tries to see if this will give him some sort of clue, he tries to play the vinyl that she always listen to but what did came out was not music or any of the sort but disturbing screeching noises like an animal’s screaking which made him felt weird and dizzy, Max instantly turn it off with a confused face and stare at it

What the?” he says.

He proceeds to look around for more clues by checking the tables as he found fortune-telling cards all laid out in the way as she was reading someone’s fortune but the cards that are flip over were all the negative cards like the ‘Reaper’, Max assumes that Isabella was reading her own fate and found a shocking outcome. Shaking his head he walk backwards and stepped on something, he looks down and found the silver necklace watch she gave him on their anniversary, it was the same as always but with there were also something new, engravings on the watch that he didn’t see before. He look upon and read it out

Max, my dear I am sorry forgive me Love, Isa” said Max as he grab hold tight in his hand.

Isa, what happened to you?” he whispered.

Holding the watch in hand he walked out the house feeling anxious, his mind is blur and can’t think properly as he wanders about town aimlessly. As soon as he got his composure back he then begin to calm down and starts to think productively as he collects the clues he has up until now, thinking where to start again and the customers that she usually sees comes to mind. Walking down a dimly lit street in the night he proceed to the first suspect which is a gambler.

Have you see Isa? Be honest with me I am not in the mood” said Max in a calm and hostile voice

Isa? Haven’t seen her in the fortnight. Lost most of my money see stopped believing her hocus pocus crap.” answer the man

Max tries a few more times to see if the man is trying to hide something, the man insist that he has never seen her in 2 weeks.

Look your wife is missing, it’s your fault not mine. Stop trying to suggest that others have anything to do with it, now piss off!” said the man in an angry tone.

Max turn around and walked away thinking of the second person that might know where she went, the bar owner.

Entered the bar he immediately look for the owner and confronted him,

Have you seen Isa lately? Answer me honestly, I know that you often bring your customers to her” asked Max in a hasty manner.

Well she did come by here yesterday looking rather pale and tired. I tried to ask her if she is okay, she just ran out without a word.” The bar owner answered with full confidence.

Max at this point has already begin to worry as he remember Isabella has a family sickness that makes her weak and pale, he himself has also have seen her in that state.

Do you have any idea where she might went? Any clue would help a lot.” Asked Max again this time with worry in his voice.

Hmmm, if there is a chance you could try the brothel, most of her customers originate from there.” answered the bar owner with a giggle.

The brothel!?” said Max in a shocked and ran out the bar.

As he approached the brothel he saw a particular familiar face, a man that he saw talking to Isabella during one of his fieldwork.

You, do you know Isabella?” asked Max in curiosity.

Isabella? Yeah I knew her, asked her for a fortune-telling once” answered the man.

Do you know where she is now?” Max asked again.

No, but she is weirdest fortune teller I know, in her methods though. I asked her if she could change my luck and she asked me to do some weird ritual with chicken blood and candles of sorts. She came and played some weird screeching noises and flipped a few cards and then…” explained the man.

And then what?” asked Max in a hurry.

And then…I…I can’t remember, my memories is blurry at that point but my luck did change.” Said the man with a smile.

Screeching noises? Cards? Ritual? What is going on Isa? Thought Max to himself.

Have you seen her lately?” asked Max once more.

Well I saw her walking into that house with another man, must be doing the ritual again” answered the man.

Max asked which house is it, the man pointed and Max rushed to the house and peeked into the window and saw only blackness.
At this point Max’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster as he thinks something might be going wrong and he felt a bad vibe from that house itself. Max gathers all his might and kicked down the door and rushed into the total darkness,

Isa!! Isa!! Where are you?” shouted Max.

No answer was heard, Max looked around to see if there any clue more and he spotted a trapdoor on the floor where the carpet was moved. He move in and opened the door and jumped in without any hesitation, as he lands on the ground he look up and saw torches lit up a corridor leading to a closed door. Slowly but surely walking towards the door grabbing hold of the necklace watch he still have in his hand, he reached the door. Leaning on it to try to listen to any noises on the other side, utter silence. He tried to open the door and the door was not locked, with a firm push he pushed the door open and saw a circle of blood on the floor with weird symbols and candles lighting the room up in the middle stood 2 person, a man who seems to be unconscienced and blood on his clothing and Isabella hugging him face away from Max on the man’s neck. She heard the door open and dropped the man as he dropped onto the floor as if he is dead, slowly turning her head to look at the opened door, there stood the one person that Max have been looking for all drench in blood from the mouth bottom to her dress. Isabella was a vampire.

9 June 2015

Digital Video Production (Film Review)

Digital Video Production (Film Review)

Film Title: 

Introduction: What you expect from the film. 
Life of the main character

Genre: What type of film is this? 
Romantic Comedy

Plot: What happens in the film? Does the plot make sense? It is easy enough to follow? It is believable?
The main character is lonely after moving into the city and found a friend
The plot is simple and understandable
It is believable but rare in occurrence

Characters: Who are the main characters and what are they like? Who are the actor playing these parts, and are they good in the parts?
Jason the main character and Stacey the main female character
Jason is a lonely man in the city trying to find a social life
Stacey is a woman that has been noticing Jason of his depressed life

What is the camerawork? If there are special effects, what are they like? Are there beautiful scene? Are the moments when the camera is used in an interesting way?
The cinematography is shot in stable and precise angles, no wobbly movements and all are focused to the character only
Everything is done practically no special effects is used 

Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not? What were its good and bad points?
Yes, the film is meaningful and has its moments where the mood of the scene is transferred to the audience
The film is good from the way that the entire film is expressed through movements and expressions not a single word is used
The bad point is that it is very simple and has not twist or turning points

Write about a scene you particularly enjoyed or remembered. Why was it good/memorable?
The scene where the fridge is stacked with numerous papers and the camera is shooting all at the same position even the lighting makes it feels like a different day

Would you recommend this film? To what sorts of people? Why?

Yes, to my friends because the film is simple to understand and has a meaning to it that we can find a friend anywhere as long we try

8 June 2015

Case Study

Case Study

Today 8th of June 2015 after the briefing is done with the class I suggested to the class for a study on a particular video/music video from Japan called Me!Me!Me!

It is a music video with very explicit content that makes most of the people turn heads but I feel that the video itself and the content is very meaningful and beautiful.

The music video was created by Teddyloid, a Japanese electric dance musician featuring daoko which is the singer. The music video produces a negative effect on viewers as most people turn away from because of the nudity but as a designer we cannot limit ourselves to those kind of limitation as we have to be open minded in all aspect. The first impression on video is mostly people would link it to pornography and anime (Hentai) but that is not the case for the music video.

The actual content of the music video is that it is a criticism of the "otaku" lifestyle in Japan. For those who don't know what an "otaku" is, it is basically a man that has no social life and lives off the internet and has serious addiction to video games and pornography and stuffs like that. The song begins by showing the fantasy part of the imaginative world then when the music changed the dark part of that lifestyle comes into play where the real content is about as the addiction (the girls) starts to eat away his life and destroys him slowly.

In the second part of the song, he is reminded by the fact that he had a life, a girlfriend that he threw away for his addiction and come to realize that whatever he is doing is killing him (the part where she kissed him). After realizing that he wants that life back and starts to fight the addiction (the FPS shooting the girls) killing his addiction in effort to break free from the addiction.

But in all his effort his addiction won, the internet, video games, animes all took over his life again and he lost. The ending of the video is exactly the same as the beginning meaning that he is going through that same circle again.

The song is also in context with the music video as the song is sung in the girl's perspective and in the end where the guy's head is severed a girl's voice is heard saying "Sayonara" (Goodbye) meaning that the girl has finally given up of him.

This music video has not many design element used but the way they portrayed that message through the video is interesting even though disturbing.  

Writing for Designers (Task 2.1 - Sketch)

Writing for Designers (Task 2.1 - Sketch)

After the trails, we are to select 3 out of 10 objects:
  • dandelion
  • recycled papers
  • dusty gramophone
  • silver necklace watch
  • bottle of rat wine
  • auburn hair dye
  • fortune-telling cards
  • jar of marbles
  • peacock feather
  • map of mantin
I chosen Dusty Gramophone, Silver Necklace Watch & Fortune-Telling Cards and I have to sketch out how I imagine the objects would look like

Here are the objects Dusty Gramophone, Silver Necklace Watch & Fortune-Telling Cards and also other than the 3 object I have to imagine out a character that owns these items. From the beginning in the selection of the items I have an idea that came to my mind when I saw the items which is a Victorian England man 

Maximilan Jones

Writing for Designer (Trails/Journey)

Writing for Designer (Trails/Journey)

For the beginning of the semester we were asked to log on a short journey from someplace to someplace. I used the journey from the studio to the hostel

Here is the first trails I've made on the first week, the short words are the small details of the things that I saw on the way back. And for each detail I need to explain why for example, why did I choose that particular tree rather than the hundreds others simply because I catches my eyes rather than the hundreds others.

On the second week we are required to find one journey and capture the details on that journey with photos to show proofs or a visual explanation.

2 June 2015

Digital Storyboarding & Illustration (Composition, Colour, Tempo and Mood)

Digital Storyboarding & Illustration (Composition, Colour, Tempo and Mood)

We sat down and have a small session of learning composition, colour, tempo and mood but mainly tempo and mood. First we were introduced a music video by Woodkid - Run Boy Run

Woodkid - Run Boy Run

This is the first colourless abstract that we have to do while listening to the music only and draw out an abstract that represents our mood at that specific time

In the beginning of the song there is a gong sound that repeats itself for a few times, hearing this the image of a ripple like wave appears in the head therefore the circle at the top left corner. Then it proceed to stomping like rhythm like soldiers marching followed by a very harsh and chaotic guitar rift. The up and down lines that look like spikes are the representative of the harsh fast and chaotic guitar rifts at a certain point the song slows down into a violin sound that remind me of a river and then it goes into the harsh rifts again almost that the end the music starts to sound like it trying to push you forward like asking you to run forward at the same time a rising feel made by the increasing volume of the violin at the back of the singing.

This is the second abstract that we have to make while listening to the music only this time colour is a must

Similar to the previous exercise, this time the gong sound is replaced with think black lines solid and steady, calm mood followed by the red harsh lines. During a time the song calms back down then continue with the harsh rifts again. Blue line are the representation of the calm river at the end the volume increases with a little of the rifts in the background

The last task is to create a storyboard based on the mood during listening to the song. The storyboard that I've produced is highly influenced by the music video of the song

Here we have the storyboard done for the music, the beginning is portrayed with a montage of a person in different close shot on the leg and hands preparing for something as the scenes are just a person wearing clothing. Then proceeds to a large door in the person's perspective pushing the door opens up to a vast plain with a single long road in the middle. As the camera turns and shows the person, its a soldier preparing his army for battle. During the harsh rifts a slow mo montage of the army on horse back is riding into the target once the music then calms down from the rifts, the army looks up on the hill to find the target there standing in a cloud of darkness. With the rift picking back up the army then charges at the enemy with another slow mo freeze frame following by a black screen as we reach the volume increasing section. Only to instantly move to a scene where the army is victorious as the music ends.

(Edited 8th June 2015)

1 June 2015

Writing for Designers (What is detail?)

Writing for Designers (What is detail?)

What is detail? What does detail do?

My understanding:

  • Detail is the small things of a larger object that helps it to stand out from the others.
  • To be specific is terms of shape, colour, size, gender, location, time and etc.
  • The difference in between two similar object
  • single piece of information or a fact about something
Detail is what makes an object stands out among the same group, like for example a group of tables in put in a room, the details on one particular table will make that table stand out from the rest. It creates individuality to the object.

This is the task we have done for today (1/6/2015)