23 September 2013

What is Graphic Design and Designer? (Study Skills)

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic Design is the term of visual arts used in our daily lives from signs to symbols that interpret many meanings with just one look. Graphic Design is a very wide area that consists of many fields in design from typography to art style or even cultural designs. In the old days graphic design was hand-drawn and painted, now we can use CGI (Computer Generated Images) to make designs as well. Graphic Design is also another method of making a boring object or subject into something interesting in terms of visuals.

The Evolution of the field started from when in 1950s the publishing industry received a high demand of use for it after the World War 2. Publishers are in need of graphic designs for their magazine, newspaper, poster and all sorts. The needs for visual design emerged from the western countries after World War 2 and since then the development of the field have been ongoing. Bright and attractive packaging, colourful and clear signboards all are being used and the competition gets intense as time goes by, the competition between companies are fierce that they are constantly looking for new and talented graphic designers to make new and attractive design for their packaging or products, costumers are fully attracted by the designs and the boost of buying and demand is seen.

Graphic design are now a part of our daily lives, the signboards we use, the typography we see are all graphics design evolved from the past till today, graphic design is highly affected by technology. Technologically graphic design changes from hand drawn to computer generated, ever since computer was created and widely used, design are also implement into computers, ever since graphic design became a field of work on its own one that is highly considered as a professional work.

What is a Graphic Designer?

An airplane has a pilot, an art has a painter, a car has a driver, for design there is the designer. The designer is the middleman between the client and consumer the person who connects the two into an understanding through visual means. The designer first needs to research the theme and concept wanted by the client and then forge that concept or theme into a form that both the client and consumer will accept.

The process for this is research on the theme and then provides with many sketches of ideas each different from the other and then compare them with the client, explanation is needed to help the client understand the design and why it is design in this way. The design is then improved more through typography to help enhance the effect of the design. However the designer’s work does not end there, there are more all the designs and sketches that the designer has done now it’s time for execution. Executing which means making the design sketch into the design itself, the designer need to recreate the sketch in a more final and detailed version one that will be mass produced or published into the world, mistakes here are intolerant so the designer must put his uttermost concentration and effort to work the design into a complete and perfect one.

Even with the best design and beautiful colours, a design is a failure if the design fails to convey the message that is needed to be conveyed to the audience or customers. The main reason for the design is that to convey a certain message to the audience in a fun and creative way, this is to eliminate the conventional and boring way of face to face talk. Using design to do the talking is what a designer should do. The designs are usually examined using the deconstruction method where one breaks down on how, why, what the design is done in this way then the questions are then discussed whether is this a good design or is this a common design.

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