25 September 2013

How Animation impact the world today? (Study Skills)

Task 3 Reflective Practise

How Animations impact the world today?
What is animation? Animation is the process or the art of making life; it is a form of visual art that is full of vigor and life. Animation is done by flipping or showing a series of drawings in succession in that each drawing are connected and are communicating with each other to create movement from a still drawing. The drawings are shown by 24 pieces in one second and because of that speed of transition our eyes get cheated and make as if the drawings are all but one piece of drawing that is moving and send this to our brains therefore we see it as a moving object or drawing.
Animation has brought much to our world in terms of entertainment and technology, this field is very competitive in terms of technology every country or animation development companies are always racing to create the first photo realism animation. The reason why animation is widely pursued by the world is because animation can be controlled by the animator doing this that what normal humans can’t do. Animation is not only used in the movie industry but also gaming and advertisement industry. Most of the time animation is used in the gaming industry because they are created using CGI (Computer Generated Images) and animation has a very tight connection with CGI.
In the movie field, animation has been used to create children movies such as Toy Story, Mars Attack and many more but why do they use animation and not real life acting, that’s because animation provides both the cartoonish and real life feel to those who watches it. It is a good combination for the whole family to enjoy together. In it’s very much success over the movie industry, movie directors and producers began to try adding animation and real life acting together in a movie working together but at the same time they does not look apart from each other.

In the gaming industry, animation is used even more to tell a story. Animations in games are created for the sole purpose of storytelling in ways that normal gameplay can’t, it is very similar to movie animation but only resides in games. In other parts of the game, animation is used for the movement of the characters and objects within the game these animations are done with reality physics in mind to create a more realistic feel to the character.
Such animation brings out the live in them making them more believable to the audience and from there we have kids and children get their own ideal superhero or character in their lives. Great game character impacts audience in their lives leaving an impression that they will remember forever whether it be good or bad, they can relate it to their lives.

Animation has contributed much to our world in terms of entertainment purposes however we gain something from the fierce competition of quality animation, which is technology advancement. Each year developers tries to create the one animation which is better than the previous in terms of realism and believability, to create that one animation in which can be said to be on the same level as real live acting. Graphics technology is constantly upgraded and improved to make the ultimate animation in which none have achieve yet.

Although movie makers and game developers are always trying to make the ultimate animation, we also somehow get technological ideas from animations as well. Because of current technology certain objects or technologies that are shown in animation seems unreal but some technology are not impossible to achieve. Because it is shown in the animation people from Research and Development (R&D) gets the ideas and they work towards that technology and improve the qualities of human lives, in a way animation is also a medium of idea generation.

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