23 March 2015

Task 2 - Proposal & Topic (Animation 2 Part 2)

Task 2 - Proposal & Topic (Animation 2 Part 2)

Introduction to Animation
Bally is a ball that’s trying to cross the road and the first attempt he crosses without looking left and right and almost got hit by a car. He then saw the signboard and tries a second attempt and crosses by looking left and right and managed to cross successfully without any problems

Problem Statement
Mantin has a lack of zebra crossing and also have a serious parking problem that obstruct other vehicles from driving safely


1.      Research about the Mantin town
2.      Analyze the Mantin town issues on road safety
3.      Apply the concept and project on Mantin town animation

To create awareness of road safety to the town people of Mantin and the consequences of road safety ignorance


Experimentation (Animation 2 Part 2)

Before I start with the animation an experiment of method needs to be done, in this experiment I used rotoscoping digitally

Capturing a video using my phone I then changed the the video into frames

Using AI Illustrator tracing the movements using the frames I recreated the video

Similar to rotoscoping but instead of a lightbox here I used digitally traced rotoscoping

Opening sequence would be Tin man appearing and introducing himself, and then a kid trying to cross a road. Tin man saw this and moves towards him and starts to teach him how to cross the road the proper way. Showing him to look left and right for cars before crossing and use the traffic lights and zebra crossings. Then he move on to the driver that is coming up the road during that time and tells him things that what would have happened if he ignores the road safety and shows the consequences. Finally he goes up to both of them and tells them the moral of the story

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