26 February 2015

Project Slide (Graphics Design 2 Part 2)

Project Slide (Graphics Design 2 Part 2)

Mantin town consist of of shop houses and lots on both side of the main road from Semenyih to Nilai and the town lacks road crossing facilities such as zebra crossing and over bridges. I have been to the town and seen children and senior citizens alike crossing the road without aid and this can be a issue in the town.

This is an awareness campaign to avoid future accidents, problem statement would be the townfolks are still crossing the road without any road safety practices.

To use visual communications to tell and increase the awareness of road safety ignorance and the after effects and consequences. 

Generally the target audience are the drivers and school children but the actually target is those between aged 7 - 25

The project is to put on the side of the road for easy spotting by drivers and also at bus stops for the children or teenagers to see.

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