30 October 2013

Group Strength and Weaknesses (Study Skills)

Group mates:    Jason Chin
                        Jasmine Chin
                        Tozy Huang


Jason Chin:      
-           Oldest of the group more experience
            -           Idea generative

Jasmine Chin:
-           Fresh idea generation
            -           Good in essay writing (report writing)

Tozy Huang:
-           Follows instruction


Jason Chin:      
-           Easily distracted
            -           Not much of a team person

Jasmine Chin:
-           Lack of knowledge
            -           Simplify thinking

Tozy Huang:
-           Weak english understanding
-           Blur (not knowing what is going on most of the time)

Roles and Function

Jason Chin – Leader
   Idea generation

Jasmine Chin
                        Name Card
                        Group Name
                        Material management

Tozy Huang
   Group Logo

    Material collecting

23 October 2013

Installation Artist Research (Graphic Design)

Benjamin Verdonck (Installation Artist)
Born in 1972, Verdonck is an actor, writer, visual artist and theatre-maker. Most of his works are staged in a regular auditorium or public space. He studied at Antwerp Conservatory for Drama in 1992 then worked as an actor for Lucas Vandervost, Ivo van Hove, Johan Simons/Paul Koek and HETPALEIS. Verdonck then later worked collaborating with Dood Paard, De Roovers, Walpurgis, Dito’Dito and Lampe.

In 2009, Verdonck launched CALENDAR an action cycle which was located in Antwerp as the centre of his artistic practice for a whole year. In 2011 Benjamin Verdonck also created a new work called DISISIT, a show which is said to be fascinating from start to the very end.

One of his most famous artworks is the Great Swallow Nest which was created 32 metres above ground in the heart of the city. It was installed at the side of the Rotterdam Weena Tower in Rotterdam on May 16th – 22nd 2008.


Free People BROOKLYN. (2009) Benjamin Verdonck’s “The Great Swallow”; Nest Rotterdam. [Online]. Available from: http://wethefreebrooklyn.wordpress.com/2009/10/03/benjamin-verdoncks-the-great-swallow-nest-rotterdam/ [Accessed 22nd October 2013]. 

Toneelhuis. (2012) Benjamin Verdonck, Detailed Biography. Antwerp; [Online]. Available from: http://www.toneelhuis.be/#!/en/readmodus/post/?id=3184 [Accessed 22nd October 2013].

Havel Rucks Project
Dan Havel and Dean Rucks is an artist collaboration that does public environment and no value architectural structures into work of art. By reforming the space and places, their invention/innovation brings attention to those boring and unappreciated building of history into interesting structures. Beginning informally in 1994 with another artist Kate Petley, the duo then reunite again for another project in 2004 for the Inversion and Apt. project in 2008 the duo created another work Scatter Boats and a few more “trespass” works. In 2009 they officially formed Havel and Rucks Projects, in the same year 2009 they also executed a project called Give and Take as a part of a show in Contemporary Art Museum, Houston.


Andrew, L. (2007) Tunnel House Art Installation. [Online]. Available from: http://www.ohgizmo.com/2007/06/25/tunnel-house-art-installation/ [Accessed 24th October 2013].

Dean Ruck. Havel Rucks Projects. [Online], Available from: http://deanruck.com/havel-ruck-projects [Accessed 24th October 2013].

16 October 2013

Infographics A1 size (Graphic Design)

After the research and sample that we have done before, we are required to combine the 2 infographics and make it into a A1 size infographic containing both elements and principles of design

5 October 2013

Infographics (Graphic Design)

These are the examples of infographics


The Infographic above is about the elements of design

The Infographic above is about the Principles of Design

2 October 2013

Activities Brainstorming (Study Skills)

Idea Brainstorming - solving problems using ideas from different individuals. Making every possible ideas or solution to a single problem whether it is logically or theoretically possible or not. A fun process where we get to see the different and crazy outcomes by different people from different backgrounds. 

Group Brainstorming - Combining a drawing from 3 different individuals into one drawing. Step by step each person draws bits by bits either continuing from the last person's drawing or a whole new drawing lastly compiled and turned into a whole big picture that looks like its drawn by only one person. Anticipation and suspense throughout the whole activity where by each individual are expecting something from the other person only to get something completely different from what is expected. Fun and sometimes frustration as your friends may destroy the initial drawing you have planned.

Image Brainstorming - Pulling out words from a single image that are related to it. Making words from the elements that are visible in the image and then exacting more words from the words itself, making more ideas visible. See how each words can somehow link or making an entire new story that has nothing to do with the original picture. The activity is not as fun as expected but rather confusing when looking at a piece of paper with words all over the place.