14 December 2014

Film Review (Animation 2 Part 1)

Film Review (Animation 2 Part 1)


The first movie I want to review is Frozen, one of the reason why this animation is so successful is the ability of the animation can immerse the audience into the scenario within the animation. Even it looks like and feels like an animation the movement and facial expression is very human like therefore making the audience feel comfortable and can relate towards the characters, along with the songs and atmosphere set, it can get really deep down into the heart. One of the aspect about the animation is that the movements of the character are very lifelike making the entire movie pretty much alive'


In recent movies Marvel released a movie called Guardian of the galaxy which is a sci-fi movie based on a comic book and it is very fun, due to the comedy aspect of the movie. It has 5 main characters in total each with their own characteristics and backstory in which we are slowly expose to and indulge into. The movie has mixed action and comedy which makes it really fun to watch

Animation Proposal (Animation 2 Part 1)

Animation Proposal (Animation 2 Part 1)

The following proposal is for the animation “A Brief Introduction to Kajang” focused mainly on Kajang town itself. Located in Hulu Langat, 14 miles southeast of Kuala Lumpur, a small town between Bangi and Semenyih. Started as a single long road connecting Puchong, Bangi and Semenyih it slowly branch out and developed as a town, now home to 2 large shopping complex and a stadium. The home of the satay food chain, the pride of Kajang as nowehere else has the same taste as the Kajang satay. The people from Kajang originated from Klang. However satay isn’t the only food that Kajang is famous for now, recently a Chinese food called Hot Pot is slowly gaining its popularity among the people, similar to the Klang’s Bak Kut Teh only this uses a different recipe that contains spice and it’s spicy unlike Bak Kut The. Both the food are famous in Malaysia and many people come all around to get a taste of them both. Kajang used to have many outdoor activities from skateboards to playgrounds, it used to have a skateboard center where people go to have some skateboarding and beside it was a playground but now nobody goes there anymore for the technology we have kids are no longer playing outdoors. There are also paintball war games around the edge of Kajang but because it is secluded not many people know of it therefore most of them are discontinued. Few years back the stadium was turned into a recreational center with playground, bike rental and a track for people to come and exercise or have fun with family. Other than that Kajang also slowly turns into a phone shop district, on the main road itself there are more than 13 shops of phone accessory and store along the entire road. In the near future Kajang will also get a new transit line called MRT along with the current existing line KTM. New development are ongoing in Kajang 2 a new area with more new buildings and shopping malls.

There are no video or any promotional video to introduce the history of Kajang to the society. Want to help people learn and understand more about the town of Kajang using digital imaging methods/animation

             Research about the history of Kajang and animation
       Analyze the history of Kajang and animation
3       Apply the history of Kajang into animation

To introduce the history of Kajang to audiences that didn’t know much about the town and telling them about Kajang in a nutshell using the animation. A simple animation without much complexity and more on the information given.

In the beginning, I collected a few data on animation methods like motion graphics and animated video. Using these as research to which method is more appropriate to be used for the animation I re-watched and repeat the video to gain more understanding in those animation video and finally selected motion graphics as the method to be used because the animation movement is simple and on the spot making it easier for the audience to understand the information given. From there I create a few props for the animation using hand drawn pictures

With that as a guide I move on to creating the flow of the aniamtion, putting the concept of introduction of the town of Kajang in mind, I learn that using time flow is a great way to tell beginning, middle and end in the animation so I used hand-drawn animation for the beginning, hand-drawn background and digital props and fully digital for the last part. Slowly getting the idea and the movement in play, I begin to animate it

The topic was given and the idea is generated slowly by the using the topic that was given. Firstly was to select which animation type to use and by watching many different animations for the research part I finally chosen Motion graphics as the animation because it is the best way to portray a information driven animation to me


In conclusion the process of doing the animation requires lots of research to do so before going into the actual process and planning is much important as well. The animation is done with many things in mind, camera angle which is important for the audience’s point of view and the transition between frames and motion is also needs to be consistent and moving within a given flow.

Motion Graphics movement, Kinetic Typography Assignement [Online], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwIy0enG6uU&list=PL9C3FA5621BC667C8

What is Motion Graphics, [Online], https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sAVrCDhDhM

9 December 2014

Final Animation (Animation 2 Part 1)

Final Animation  (Animation 2 Part 1)

After doing the digital props I moved on in creating the hand drawn part which is the first part of the video.

Using Adobe Premiere and After Effects I combine the handrawn and digital props video to create a motion graphics based information giving animation. Using Voice Narration and sound effect to enhance the animation quality

3 December 2014

Task 3 - Symbolism (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

Task 3 - Symbolism (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

In the beginning for the idea generation, we sat down and did a short and simple mind mapping activity and the things that we see and know of the town Mantin. The image above is my mind map regarding Mantin and selected a few items out from there that I think that can be used for a logo creation for the town.

After a few tries and sketches I finally finalize the idea and convert it into an AI drawing

After having the results I move on and convert all the drawings into geometrical abstract symbols

Task 2 - Vernacular (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

Task 2 - Vernacular (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

Vernacular = the dialect of the spoken language in a specific region or country

For this part we were let to pick a place and find out of the vernacular of the selected place of interest and here I chose Kajang Prima where I studied in highschool

As I begin I use this piece to let the audience to guess the terms (Left) and the meaning (Right)

And after the guessing , the plate in the middle is flipped over and the answer is shown and explained