26 October 2014

Overview Week 7 (Visual Communication)


In this week, the small project Symbol making has come to an end and the everything is done and ready for the report. Through the process of this, I have learn the difference of symbol and icon even though sometimes they are very closely related.

Symbol has a cultural meaning behind it or a story while Icon is a more basic and general explanation for something or someone.

Out of all that I also discovered that creating a logo or a symbol is not easy as even a simple logo requires lots of research and thinking to make it a good logo or symbol. I learn this from the symbol making project that I've done for the project report. Something that I will not forget anytime soon

Other than that I learn many stories of other logos that never did come to my mind before and how the logo is created and how are they related to the company or organization.

After 7 weeks, the module is full of discovery and fun looking forward for the next task research report

Mantin Town Infographic (Graphic Design 2 Part 1)

Mantin Town Infographic (Graphic Design 2 Part 1)

Given with the task of creating an infograph using the data I've collected during my brief visit to Mantin town. Here I have created a simple infographic on the density of the number of people in the town and the vicinity of the town during the day

Using only images to depict the place and interesting spots in the town such as petrol station and police station and a simple navigation around the town

Symbol Process (Visual Communication)

Symbol Process (Visual Communication)

After the finalization of the sketch the drawing is converted into Adobe Illustrator with different colour schemes and shapes

After the colour experiment, the next trial was on Ratio between the stigma and the petals

finally the shape of the flower is then changed to a more geometrical theme rather than naturalistic theme

With these multiple experiment the final design is chosen and compared using scales and black and white colours

Logo Sketching (Visual Communications)

Logo Sketching (Visual Communications)

Selecting the Hibicus as the symbol that I want to rebrand here are the few sketches that I have created for the idea

15 October 2014

Mantin Research (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

Mantin Research (Graphics Design 2 Part 1)

On the trip to Mantin town to gather some data and information, here are some pictures that was taken during that trip. As the picture shows the focal point of the pictures are the main road of Mantin town.

The town is made up by the main road itself, most of the shops are located by the side on the road and most of the housing areas are only accessible via the main road making the road the 'backbone' of the town. There are old building like the Hakka Village, a church although they have refurbish the place and a old school located beside the Village.

The town has shop lots along the road from food to clothings. Mantin also has a few ochards and fruit stalls along the road before entering the town and flower gardens after leaving the town. This road is not just a part of Mantin, it is Mantin.

Most folks works in places like Kuala Lumpur which is far away while others works in Seremban or Nilai. The town is still packed during the days with passerbys and college staffs or students

With a few tamans around the road the town is bound to be filled with people from various places, not to mention there is also a college nearby, staffs and student will come to the town for food, researches and also shopping.