30 July 2015

Digital Storyboarding & Illustration (Learning Outcomes Reflection)

Digital Storyboarding & Illustration (Learning Outcomes Reflection)

Learning Outcome No.1

1. Illustrate knowledge of story planning & telling

As an animation student the term storyboard is a well-known term that we use everytime we do an animation however in design storyboard is also used in a way as planning a design. The storyboard here is more like a guideline that I use to follow as progress goes and can be changed as progress goes along the way. For example, the storyboard that I have created for the storyboarding task may not be the end result of the video that we are going to shoot 

Digital Storyboarding & Illustrations (Storyboard)

This was the original storyboard made for the story Victorian Secret, the final video may not be as shown in the storyboard because as progress goes the idea that the storyboard had might be outclassed by the idea that we had during shooting session therefore minor changes are to be expected.

Digital Storyboarding & Illustration (Composition, Colour, Tempo and Mood)

We sat down and have a small session of learning composition, colour, tempo and mood but mainly tempo and mood. First we were introduced a music video by Woodkid - Run Boy Run

This is the first colourless abstract that we have to do while listening to the music only and draw out an abstract that represents our mood at that specific time

In the beginning of the song there is a gong sound that repeats itself for a few times, hearing this the image of a ripple like wave appears in the head therefore the circle at the top left corner. Then it proceed to stomping like rhythm like soldiers marching followed by a very harsh and chaotic guitar rift. The up and down lines that look like spikes are the representative of the harsh fast and chaotic guitar rifts at a certain point the song slows down into a violin sound that remind me of a river and then it goes into the harsh rifts again almost that the end the music starts to sound like it trying to push you forward like asking you to run forward at the same time a rising feel made by the increasing volume of the violin at the back of the singing.

This is the second abstract that we have to make while listening to the music only this time colour is a must

Similar to the previous exercise, this time the gong sound is replaced with think black lines solid and steady, calm mood followed by the red harsh lines. During a time the song calms back down then continue with the harsh rifts again. Blue line are the representation of the calm river at the end the volume increases with a little of the rifts in the background

The last task is to create a storyboard based on the mood during listening to the song. The storyboard that I've produced is highly influenced by the music video of the song

Here we have the storyboard done for the music, the beginning is portrayed with a montage of a person in different close shot on the leg and hands preparing for something as the scenes are just a person wearing clothing. Then proceeds to a large door in the person's perspective pushing the door opens up to a vast plain with a single long road in the middle. As the camera turns and shows the person, its a soldier preparing his army for battle. During the harsh rifts a slow mo montage of the army on horse back is riding into the target once the music then calms down from the rifts, the army looks up on the hill to find the target there standing in a cloud of darkness. With the rift picking back up the army then charges at the enemy with another slow mo freeze frame following by a black screen as we reach the volume increasing section. Only to instantly move to a scene where the army is victorious as the music ends.

Learning Outcome No.2

2. Experiment with digital and traditional techniques in producing a storyboard

Traditionally, storyboard is made using paper and pencil as we draw out the storyboard like how I did so, but there are multiple ways to do storyboard and one of them is picture taking 

A faster and more digital method of making storyboard, this method is mostly used by photographers during photoshoot to tell a story or theme.

Learning Outcome No.3

3. Employ a detailed plan and techniques of efficiently aid the construction of a digital video

In the next task making a storyboard with details on each frame to help enable faster and less hectic flow of video making

Digital Storyboarding & Illustrations (Storyboard)

Camera Angle: Long shot
Scene: Starts with clock showing 10pm, fades to street with lampost
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Following shot
Scene: Man walks into frame from the right and moves to the left, camera turns and follows the man as he walks pass the camera and slowly follows him until the man walks into a building
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Medium shot
Scene: Camera still, shooting from table view mans walk in room and sits down looking tired
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Man stares into emptiness for a while then stands up
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man comes in room on the lights and walks towards a table to play gramophone
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Bird's eye shot
Scene: Man tries to play gramophone with the vinyl
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Close up shot
Scene: Weird music starts to play, man stops the music and steps back while camera only shot the lower head and upper body
Dialogue: "What the?"

Camera Angle: Dutch shot
Scene: Slanting camera angle captures the man walks out of the room confused 
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Camera move to man's point of view and moves around in the room looking at stuffs, come across table and inspect cards
Dialogue: "This is...?"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Camera now shows an item on the floor and as the man moves backwards he steps on the item
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Top down shot
Scene: Camera moves above man's head to show the item on the floor
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Close up
Scene: Pick up the item and inspect it while reading the engravings
"Forgive me, please forget me. Love Isa"
"What is happening to you, Isa?"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Man rushes out stomping his feet as he walks quickly
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Long wide shot
Scene: Man moves around aimlessly
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Man saw something, a familiar face
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man moves closer to the target, a drunkard
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Medium-Low angle shot
Scene: Man ask the target questions and they talked a while before the target got angry and shoo-ed the man away
"Have you see Isa? Be honest with me I am not in the mood"
"Isa? Haven’t seen her in the fortnight. Lost most of my money see stopped believing her hocus pocus crap."

“Look your wife is missing, it’s your fault not mine. Stop trying to suggest that others have anything to do with it, now piss off!"

Camera Angle: Extreme close up shot
Scene: The man remembers something and left the scene
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Low angle
Scene: Man goes to a bar
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man looks for something is a hastily manner
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Over the shoulder shot
Scene: Man moves closer to the target, the bar owner
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: High angle shot
Scene: Man talks to the bar owner and ask questions again
"Have you seen Isa lately? Answer me honestly, I know that you often bring your customers to her"
“Well she did come by here yesterday looking rather pale and tired. I tried to ask her if she is okay, she just ran out without a word.”
"Do you have any idea where she might went? Any clue would help a lot."
“Hmmm, if there is a chance you could try the brothel, most of her customers originate from there.”
“The brothel!?”

Camera Angle: Medium shot
Scene: Man rushes out and walks quickly to his next target
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man sees another familiar face and move closer
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Only showing half a face and talk back and forth showing each character face when whoever is talking
“You, do you know Isabella?” 
"Isabella? Yeah I knew her, asked her for a fortune-telling once”
"Do you know where she is now?"
"No, but she is weirdest fortune teller I know, in her methods though. I asked her if she could change my luck and she asked me to do some weird ritual with chicken blood and candles of sorts. She came and played some weird screeching noises and flipped a few cards and then…"
"And then what?"
"And then…I…I can’t remember, my memories is blurry at that point but my luck did change.” 
"Have you seen her lately?"
"Well I saw her walking into that house with another man, must be doing the ritual again"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Shows the house
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Man opens door, blackish room darkness consumed all
Dialogue: "Isa, Isa, Where are you!!?"

Camera Angle: High angle shot
Scene: Man found a trap door underneath a carpet
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Man goes down the trapdoor into a corridor, found a door at the end 
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man sees a room with 2 person standing hugging each other, the women seems familiar to the man
Dialogue: "Isa?"

Camera Angle: Close up shot
Scene: Women turns her head, revealing her true identity, a vampire

Dialogue: None

Learning Outcome No.4

4. Compile an online journal which critically evaluates and reflects the practice

Learning Outcome No.5

5. Present body of work which demonstrates a clear and concise understanding of the role of storyboarding in creative story medium

Digital Storyboarding & Illustrations (Storyboard)

Camera Angle: Long shot
Scene: Starts with clock showing 10pm, fades to street with lampost
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Following shot
Scene: Man walks into frame from the right and moves to the left, camera turns and follows the man as he walks pass the camera and slowly follows him until the man walks into a building
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Medium shot
Scene: Camera still, shooting from table view mans walk in room and sits down looking tired
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Man stares into emptiness for a while then stands up
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man comes in room on the lights and walks towards a table to play gramophone
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Bird's eye shot
Scene: Man tries to play gramophone with the vinyl
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Close up shot
Scene: Weird music starts to play, man stops the music and steps back while camera only shot the lower head and upper body
Dialogue: "What the?"

Camera Angle: Dutch shot
Scene: Slanting camera angle captures the man walks out of the room confused 
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Camera move to man's point of view and moves around in the room looking at stuffs, come across table and inspect cards
Dialogue: "This is...?"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Camera now shows an item on the floor and as the man moves backwards he steps on the item
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Top down shot
Scene: Camera moves above man's head to show the item on the floor
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Close up
Scene: Pick up the item and inspect it while reading the engravings
"Forgive me, please forget me. Love Isa"
"What is happening to you, Isa?"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Man rushes out stomping his feet as he walks quickly
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Long wide shot
Scene: Man moves around aimlessly
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Man saw something, a familiar face
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man moves closer to the target, a drunkard
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Medium-Low angle shot
Scene: Man ask the target questions and they talked a while before the target got angry and shoo-ed the man away
"Have you see Isa? Be honest with me I am not in the mood"
"Isa? Haven’t seen her in the fortnight. Lost most of my money see stopped believing her hocus pocus crap."

“Look your wife is missing, it’s your fault not mine. Stop trying to suggest that others have anything to do with it, now piss off!"

Camera Angle: Extreme close up shot
Scene: The man remembers something and left the scene
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Low angle
Scene: Man goes to a bar
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man looks for something is a hastily manner
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Over the shoulder shot
Scene: Man moves closer to the target, the bar owner
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: High angle shot
Scene: Man talks to the bar owner and ask questions again
"Have you seen Isa lately? Answer me honestly, I know that you often bring your customers to her"
“Well she did come by here yesterday looking rather pale and tired. I tried to ask her if she is okay, she just ran out without a word.”
"Do you have any idea where she might went? Any clue would help a lot."
“Hmmm, if there is a chance you could try the brothel, most of her customers originate from there.”
“The brothel!?”

Camera Angle: Medium shot
Scene: Man rushes out and walks quickly to his next target
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man sees another familiar face and move closer
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Scene: Only showing half a face and talk back and forth showing each character face when whoever is talking
“You, do you know Isabella?” 
"Isabella? Yeah I knew her, asked her for a fortune-telling once”
"Do you know where she is now?"
"No, but she is weirdest fortune teller I know, in her methods though. I asked her if she could change my luck and she asked me to do some weird ritual with chicken blood and candles of sorts. She came and played some weird screeching noises and flipped a few cards and then…"
"And then what?"
"And then…I…I can’t remember, my memories is blurry at that point but my luck did change.” 
"Have you seen her lately?"
"Well I saw her walking into that house with another man, must be doing the ritual again"

Camera Angle: Low angle shot
Scene: Shows the house
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Man opens door, blackish room darkness consumed all
Dialogue: "Isa, Isa, Where are you!!?"

Camera Angle: High angle shot
Scene: Man found a trap door underneath a carpet
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: PoV shot
Scene: Man goes down the trapdoor into a corridor, found a door at the end 
Dialogue: None

Camera Angle: Wide shot
Scene: Man sees a room with 2 person standing hugging each other, the women seems familiar to the man
Dialogue: "Isa?"

Camera Angle: Close up shot
Scene: Women turns her head, revealing her true identity, a vampire

Dialogue: None

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