Film Title:
Introduction: What you expect from the film.
Life of the main character
Genre: What type of film is this?
Romantic Comedy
Plot: What happens in the film? Does the plot make sense? It is easy enough to follow? It is believable?
The main character is lonely after moving into the city and found a friend
The plot is simple and understandable
It is believable but rare in occurrence
Characters: Who are the main characters and what are they like? Who are the actor playing these parts, and are they good in the parts?
Jason the main character and Stacey the main female character
Jason is a lonely man in the city trying to find a social life
Stacey is a woman that has been noticing Jason of his depressed life
What is the camerawork? If there are special effects, what are they like? Are there beautiful scene? Are the moments when the camera is used in an interesting way?
The cinematography is shot in stable and precise angles, no wobbly movements and all are focused to the character only
Everything is done practically no special effects is used
Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not? What were its good and bad points?
Yes, the film is meaningful and has its moments where the mood of the scene is transferred to the audience
The film is good from the way that the entire film is expressed through movements and expressions not a single word is used
The bad point is that it is very simple and has not twist or turning points
Write about a scene you particularly enjoyed or remembered. Why was it good/memorable?
The scene where the fridge is stacked with numerous papers and the camera is shooting all at the same position even the lighting makes it feels like a different day
Would you recommend this film? To what sorts of people? Why?
Yes, to my friends because the film is simple to understand and has a meaning to it that we can find a friend anywhere as long we try
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