10 February 2015

Task 1 - Create Project (Graphics Design 2 Part 2)

Task 1 - Create Project (Graphics Design 2 Part 2)

Project Proposal

Mantin town campaign (Road Safety)

Problem Statement
Town folks lack of street crossing equipment

In the picture above the aunty is crossing the road without any road assist like zebra crossing, I have been to the town itself and found that there are none zebra crossing or any overhead bridge for passerby to cross over to the other side of the road they have to rely on their very own eyes and reflex to cross a busy road. There are 2 schools one on each end of the town main road

This is what happens after school hours around 2pm, I found a few of the students are crossing the same way as the previous aunty did. 

Main Objective
To solve the street problem, to create awareness to the people and help the children of the school to cross the streets safely. To tell the drivers in this area that there are people crossing from time to time and that they need to aware of such happening and slow down. 

During certain time of the day even there are cows on the road crossing and if a unsuspecting vehicle hits them it might cause more damage other than just the cows


Role       : To increase awareness of speeding vehicles on the road, due the nature of a smooth straight road drivers on the Mantin main road tends to drive at high speed

Target    : The drivers on the road

Content : Visual signs, similar to signboard but with more graphical impact than just pivots or black symbols, kinda similar to the government campaign to reduce smokers by placing disgusting photos of smoking hazards

Media    : On the street side, bus stops railings

Who are we talking to?

The teenagers aged from 15-16 and also drivers ranging from 17-18

Using visual arts and they can relate and interpret such as broken legs and cripple to give them a feedback that they wont ignore and forces them to thinking 

How do we want the audience to describe this?
·         Clear point, no beating around the bushes a straight to the point message on road safety and after effects.
·         To let the drivers know the consequences of ignoring road rules as not in by the law but by nature (deaths, cripple, guilt and trauma)

Disabled People, Google Images, available at: https://hanluwei.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/disability1.jpg

What are the most important aspects our prospect believe?

What will the project do?

The project focuses on the visual effect on brain, on how images can talk better than words. Similar to signs that we used to see like toilet signs, crossroads as etc.

Here the project instead of showing, "What is this?" the project shows a more "Oh my God, What is this?"

The reason why is this is because of how human eyes captures pattern, we have used to see certain patterns like on the roads we see signboards that is what we know and learn throughout our lives. We perceives that this is what we gonna see if we were on the road

The project will be showing things that are different and can't be found on a daily basis its something different than what we see on regular basis. Human brain is very good at finding patterns, you can see here http://bigthink.com/endless-innovation/humans-are-the-worlds-best-pattern-recognition-machines-but-for-how-long

Human Pattern Recognition and Perception

Pattern Recognition and the Human Mind

How can we make this believable?

Similar to the reasons above, human brain can detect patterns very quickly and on the road if there is something special or different our eyes and brain will work up some sort of curiosity to see what is there similar to seeing car accident where traffic comes to a crawl due to passerby slowing down to see what is happening.

Then come the second part, the messages of the project using visual communication. All this time we have been using prevention methods by telling people how to do it, this has been going on for a very long time however this project instead of telling how to prevent, the visual communication here focus on the fear part of the human mind

Fear: Documentary on the Science of Psychology of Fear (Full Documentary)

Using fear to make the audiences to automatically do the prevention themselves without anyone telling them by showing them images of broken legs, people who are crippled these images will trigger a thought in their head about what would happen if this befalls on them and can they get this outcome from the road or anywhere else?

There the awareness comes in and the rest of up to them

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